Chapter 4: Someone to talk to

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Mori Pov

Mitsukuni was on my back and I was carrying the cake. That didn't bother me though. Mitsukuni had been quiet for a while and that's not like him. I feel his head hit my shoulder. Oh.. He's asleep. Maybe he was just tired I thought he was acting a little differently than usual, but he seems fine. Come to think of it his birthday is soon, I still need to get him a gift. What should I get him this year? Last year I got him a stuffed animal. He seemed to like it and its still on his bed with the rest of the very many; possibly concerning amount, of stuffed animals. Which I still am confused with how he sleeps with that many stuffed animals on his bed but he does. Mitsukuni was talking about wanting a flower garden; but it might be hard to keep that a surprise, he could just go into the backyard and then he already knows. So that might not work. I didn't even realize but I had already reached the house. I walk walk in and the maids greet me. I say hello and then bring Mitsukuni to his room. I gently set him down and turn around to look at him before I leave. I hope he doesn't have another nightmare, of course I don't mind cuddling with him, that would be the best part. But I don't want him to be scared or sad. It breaks my heart to see him like that. And well even though I would like to cuddle with him I'm trying to get over my romantic feelings for Mitsukuni, not make them stronger. I sigh and turn around to leave but I feel something grab my hand. I turn around to see Mitsukuni, at first he doesn't say anything he just looks at me. But then "Takashi... Could you stay... For just a little bit?" "Another nightmare?" He shakes his head no. "I just want to talk for a bit" "sure" I agree and sit down on the edge of his bed. "I was wondering, could you ever see yourself in a relationship with another guy?" He asks in his regular childish voice, but I can tell he's nervous, I guess it is a hard question to just ask someone. But it can be even harder to answer. Is there a wrong answer? There shouldn't be especially with Mitsukuni. But I still keep finding myself thinking about which answer could possibly be the wrong one. I guessed he could see the worry on my face. "I could go first." I just nod. "Well gender has never really mattered to me so.. I'd be okay with any gender as long as I like them and they treated me good." He answers with a smile. I feel a rush of relief. "It kind of makes no sense because I'm in the host club. I've always been fine with a bunch of girls liking me. But for a relationship I.... I only like guys, in that way anyway." I admit and I feel a huge weight come of my chest. "Wow, I don't think you've ever opened up to me like that, Takashi" Mitsukuni says in a gentle voice and hugs me. "I'm sorry" I look away. He laughs "Why are you apologizing? I like it when you open up to me!" He smiles and lays his chin on my shoulder making the gap between our faces significantly decrease. He was to innocent to know that when he got close like that he could think of it one way, but I would think of it in a completely different way. He lays down "Takashi you should talk to me more often, I know I'm a bit childish and I won't always get it. But I'll never judge you!" He says happily. If I told him how I felt I doubt he'd still say that. "I'll try" I say completely avoiding eye contact. But when I look back he's asleep. "Goodnight, Mitsukuni." I say in a low whisper "Thank you." I whisper even quieter than before. Then I turn out the lights and I leave to my room. I lay down and look out the window. It was the same warm feeling returning. Its weird I wanted to talk to Mitsukuni, but I didn't want the extra judgement. But I felt selfish for just wanting to talk and completely ignore his opinion. But I know that even if I did try, I could never ignore his opinion.

It all started with a nightmare (Honey x Mori)Where stories live. Discover now