Chapter 1: Captured

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You looked around your house trying to find something to eat for dinner. You had nothing, not even any chips or crackers. "Shit!" You muttered to yourself. You remembered that your house was near a grocery store, you could probably walk there real quick. You were unsure about it since it was late at night... but you were hungry. Your stomach was growling, desperate for food, so you decided "okay, why not?" and made your way out the door. You of course grabbed some money on your way out, enough to get something. Once you made it to the store, you noticed a small elephant with pink glasses and a red hat. The poor little guy was sitting on the curb, crying. You walk up to the little guy and ask, "Hey, what's wrong, buddy?" He grabbed a whiteboard and marker and wrote down, "I lost my pet cat, Stitches! Can you help me find them..?" You wanted to help the poor guy, so you agreed. Besides, they looked like a little kid! They couldn't hurt anyone, right? You help the elephant up and the elephant began honking while pointing behind the store. That might be where his cat went. You followed him behind the store. Suddenly, a bag was thrown over your head. You began panicking and screaming. "KID!! RUN!!" You screamed towards the elephant. But for some reason... he was laughing. Or at least that's what it sounded like. "Sorry, fella, but Snork's with us. Come on fellas! Let's bring 'em to the Banana Buggy!" You heard a low, kinda raspy voice say. Big hands lifted you and carried you to this claustrophobic area, probably the back of a car. You heard the car start up, then the vehicle began vibrating like it was moving. You could feel every little turn. You were scared... How did you let yourself end up in a situation like this??? Eventually, the car finally stopped and the big hands from earlier lifted you and carried you again, this time on a chair. They removed your bag and that's when you were met with... The Banana Splits. The worst criminals of all of Jellystone. You tried to get up, but it turns out, you have been tied to the chair. "Ah, ah ah! No escape for you, pal." The raspy voice from earlier called out teasingly. You then realized it was the leader of the Banana Splits, Fleegle. And that elephant you were "helping" earlier was Snorky. The big hands must've belonged to Bingo, leaving the lion to be Drooper. You've heard about them on the news, so you kinda studied them to watch out for them. You panicked and yelled, "W-What are you all gonna d-do to me???" Fleegle smiled upon seeing the fear in your expression and said, "We're gonna use ya for ransom! People tend to easily give money away when lives are on the line..." The Banana Splits laughed. "Drooper, grab the fella's phone so we can call their parents or something!" Fleegle ordered. "Aye-aye, captain!" Drooper responded in a kinda goofy tone. He began digging through your pockets for your phone. Eventually, he found it and they began calling people on your phone. It took a long time and it seemed like they were getting angry. They eventually gave up and they gave you an odd... smug look. "Well, looks like no one wants to save ya! You're hopeless buddy..." Fleegle said menacingly. Your eyes widened. No one...? Not even your parents...? You looked at your feet, feeling as helpless as you pretty much are. Fleegle continued, "Well, it was nice knowin' ya!" He grabbed a pipe, walking towards you with it slowly, you looked away to avoid your horrible demise...

To be continued

Kidnapper!Jellystone!Banana Splits x Gender neutral!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now