two ; the brownie fiasco

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It didn't take much to persuade Hana to adventure into literal paradise with me. For the first time ever, I didn't want to visit for the confectionaries though. I wouldn't exactly label myself as a stalker, more so an intrigued bystander, wanting to get a closer look at the determined boy who'd stormed the shop. Hana was also arguably just as nosy as I was after I'd informed her of what I saw.

Upon entering, we were greeted with- my God, are those freshly baked brownies? As per usual, I allowed my nose to lead the way, feet trailing behind as if I were under a trance, eyes closed awaiting the perfect moment to open them and come face to face with the glorious batch of baked goods, ready to be smuggled home and given a new place to stay in my stomach.

When I did open them however, I was addressed by a judgemental set of viridescent orbs, glaring straight back at me. My nose hadn't failed me, no, as I looked down in complete betrayal to find my beloved brownies, already clutched in somebody's arms.

How could life do this to me?

It took all of the strength in my body to gather enough willpower to lift my view back up to his, smiling meekly, mouth practically watering as his glare remained unfazed and daunting.

"Are you gonna... eat all of those?" I pointed at the brownies, hope written all across my face. I'd mastered the art of puppy eyes, I knew how to get anything I wanted from a man. It was simple really, as long as you looked at them with a certain spark in your eye which sent them tumbling into a fit of nervousness, one that only you were capable of picking them up from, made them want to obey your every command, just to hear you giggle blissfully in response, erupting butterflies into their stomach with just a simple smile-

"Yes." I wanted nothing more than to sink into the floor and die.

"A-All of them?" I prayed that my face didn't give away how dejected I felt inside, as I couldn't give in so soon.

His fingers lifted to the platter, delicately curling around the succulent chocolate treat calling to me on the top of the pile, outstretching it towards my mouth which unconsciously opened in anticipation. I was leaning closer, and closer, tongue inches away from tasting pure, melted gold, before he swiftly retracted, the brownie finding its way into his own mouth, a cheshire-cat grin decorating his lips smugly.

If only I knew how to get away with fucking murder.

My mouth had yet to close, hung open, blubbering like a stupidly deranged goldfish, as I fought the urge to scratch my nails down his face at that very moment. Hana, who had been watching the entire ordeal without my knowledge, released an enormous deafening witch cackle, which more suitably sounded as though she was freeing demons from the depths of her callous soul.

"Yep, all of them. Did you think I was going to feed you?" This foul beast had to make it worse by opening his idiotic mouth, didn't he? His statement was followed by an incredibly amused chuckle, and I knew I needed to wipe that insufferable smirk off his face already.

"No, what the hell." Deny, deny, deny. What else could I do in such an embarrassing situation?

"Oh? Because it looked like you did." Please shut up already.

"She definitely did."

"Whose side are you on, Hana?!" I snapped, my heart burning at my sister's betrayal as she lifted her hands in mock surrender. I turned back towards the man responsible for sparking the beginnings of my villain origin story. "You're an asshole."

"Been called worse." He shrugged, and it only pissed me off even more - if I hadn't have cared about the wastage of food, that platter would've been toast, and the brownies would belong to the floor (or perhaps my stomach because I wouldn't put it past me to not salvage as many as I could whilst the 5 second rule exists).

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