eight ; wise man dazai

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The moment we'd stepped through the door of the Armed Detective Agency, I shook my entire body with so much vigour Ranpo couldn't help commenting on how I'd resembled a wet dog. I'd pointed out how ironic it was coming from him who had his puddle-soaked hat still perched on his head despite dropping it onto the muddied floor, resulting in his entire body also getting drenched as he frantically scrambled to retrieve it like he was on a Slip 'N Slide. He'd frowned at this. I'd smirked.

Within the short time it had taken us to shelter ourselves from the rain, the dynamic between us had shifted. It was more settled and comfortable now, however there was no denying the muted but still noticeable tension regarding Ranpo's discovery. I believed we were simply happy to keep it at a rest for now whilst we dried off.

Ranpo had instructed me to retrieve the spare towels from the storage cupboard whilst he made his way into the main office, greeting Kunikida and Dazai, the only ones present, in the process and obnoxiously announcing his distaste for the weather. I trudged behind him after making a deal of keeping the biggest towel to myself, whilst Ranpo received the smallest one for ordering me around.

"Well, don't you two look jolly." Dazai spun in his swivel chair with a mischievous, mocking grin as he eyed our soaked figures with comical grimaces to match.

"We wouldn't have even been in the rain for that long if this idiot hadn't kept dropping his hat." I retorted, sternly taking a jab at the agitated detective's clumsiness and rubbing my hair with the towel.

Said hat was currently being wrung dry, twisted within the confines of Ranpo's fists whilst he stuck his tongue out at me. Peering through tousled strands of raven hair, he then faced Dazai, a bothered glint gliding over the shining surface of his eyes.

"You should've never paired me up with her."

"Nuh uh, don't give me that, Ranpo. All I did was suggest it, it was you who willingly took on the responsibility." Dazai corrected with an air of smugness so thick it was almost visible. I nodded in agreement, smiling along with the bandaged man. "What'd she do today to make you so hostile?"

Ranpo cleared his throat. My smile dropped.

Frankly, I didn't expect the man in brown to mutter a simple "nothing" and leave it at that, but that's exactly what he did. Having his head down reading the paperwork in front was a clear indicator that he was finished with the conversation. Dazai quirked an eyebrow at this reaction, obviously not convinced but dismissed the matter regardless, much to my relief. Instead, his attention was now drawn back to me.

"y/nnn! Please get a coffee with me." He tilted his head cutely, eyes glossy in a pleading manner as though he were a hungry puppy. It was a startlingly powerful move. Powerful enough to catch Ranpo's focus again, who was seemingly unhappy with his words whilst he frowned at nothing in particular. Nonetheless, a quick glance at the rain still pouring brutally enough to splatter someone's head and knock them unconscious proved extremely unappetising, and I shrugged apologetically.

As expected, Dazai groaned, sticking out his lower lip like an immature brat. I'd had enough experience with Hana's temper tantrums to know where this would end, my eyes unconsciously rolling as I stood up. Only God knew why I had been cursed to deal with them again from a 22 year old man. The idiot beamed, making confident strides towards the exit as he tugged me along behind.

"I can always count on you, y/n." He complimented, not without making sure to wave sinisterly to Kunikida (who was doing his very best to completely ignore him) on his departure.

"You met me three days ago-" I wanted to wave too, rotating my body whilst I still had the time to with Dazai's heavy grip on my wrist, yet when I glimpsed at Ranpo, his back was hunched over, too distracted to bid us adieu.

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