Chapter 7 : Hi Rue!

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Chapter 7: Hi Rue!

Hi Rue, my name is Hazeline.

But you can call me Hazel.

I heard great stories about you.

He is always talking about you.

He is doing better.

But he is still a little broken.

When i first met him, it felt like his heart was literally falling apart.

We are on a mission to catch your killer.

They killed my husband and my daughter too.

I want to ask you so many questions.

But i know i can't.

It's actually very strange that i am writing this letter to you.

Even though we never met.

It feels like i know you.

Your husband is amazing.

The day i lost my husband we got into a fight.

He took our daughter and i took our son.

That was the last time i saw them alive.

I never got to say goodbye.

I never got to grief.

When i heard it, i cried for 2 hours straight.

Then i was told that there was no time for grief anymore.

For him there was no funeral.

They never found his body.

But they found hers.

They found my little baby.

I could hold my little baby.

One last time.

Her eyes were closed.

And she was ice cold.

They had put a little black blanket around her.

Then came her funeral.

I had to bury her.

It felt like i was doing everything alone.

When i came home that night i walked around my house for hours.

Of course my parents came.

They stayed for a few days.

They helped me with things around the house and my baby son.

But everything reminded me of them.

When i got back to work i heard about someone that had something similar happen to him.

When i got to his house he looked so broken.

But it felt like i gave him a mission.

A little bit of hope that we both needed.

And every time we saw each other we opened up a little bit about ourselves.

First it was me, about my husband and my daughter and why i am on this mission.

Then it was his turn he, talked about you.

For me it felt like i could trust him.

I like that he is patient, and that he understands me.

He does not push me to talk about these things.

I just hope that he can trust me.

For him it really feels like his old team betrayed him, that he can't trust anyone else.

I hope that he can talk about that sort of stuff with me.

Because i never got that help.

And because he does not push me, i try not to push him.

But it's hard because he is still in that phase that he needs to talk about it to heal.

So far it feels like for me that i have to push him.

And i just don't want to hurt him because i know that it hurts to talk about it.

So because i don't like saying that directly to him, i am going to write a letter.

I used to do that with my husband too.

I used to write letters to him.

To tell him what was going on inside my head.

I used to sneak the letters under his pillow before i went to school or to work.

But that was a long time ago.

I hope i can talk to you soon again.

It was very nice to meet you.

Sincerely ,Hazeline.

The letter she wrote to him to talk about how she is feeling.

Hey, it's me.

I just wanted to let you know that i know that i am pushing you too hard.

I really don't want to hurt you.

I wrote a letter to your Rue.

i know it's weird, but it helped me a little.

i hope you trust me.

Dinner was amazing.

As always.

Uhm bye

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