Chapter 10: The story of another us

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Chapter 10: The story of another us.

My dear Rue, it has been 421 days since you've been gone.

Hey my love, it's me Jonah.

I still miss you so much.

Our daughter is getting bigger.

I think she has my powers.

Remember when i joked about how i hoped that our kids would not have my powers.

I think she is even more powerful than i was.

I still don't have my powers.

If i had my powers you would be with me.

I would hold you.

But that is a story of another us.

Hazel is in the hospital.

It's all my fault.

If i was there to protect her.

She says that it was not my fault.

But it was.

Like it was with you.

If i had my powers i could have protected her.

Like i could have protected you.

You would have said that i have to be with her.

But i have kids duty.

Having 2 little kids is hard.

Magnolia is learning to walk.

And her son Lennox is running around already.

They are asleep right now.

Tomorrow your mom is coming.

She is helping.

So that i can go to Hazel.

Hazel promised me that we are going to try and get my powers back.

But i don't know if i still want that.

And i don't think it's going to work.

I think my powers are gone forever.

Maybe my powers are with Magnolia now.

Magnolia was your favorite tree.

Magnolia..... our daughter.

Lola has your eyes.

And your beautiful purple hair.

You always hated your hair color.

For me it was the one of the many things that made me fall in love with you.

I love you.

Yours Faithfully....

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