Apps you use while graphic designing! 💛

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Most important apps needed:

1) PicsArt: It is the best app for editing and specially blend edits.

2) Polarr: It is used for putting filters in your image which makes it more attractive.

3) Phonto: It is the best app for fonts. For new fonts, you can even download from DaFont website.

4) Remini: It is used for enhancing the image which makes it look more clear and neat.

5) Lightroom (Optional): You can do anything with image's brightness, exposure, saturation, darkness etc with the help of this app.

There are more apps too but, I'll discuss about them when I continue with my Tutorials!

And a really important you should have is a Portfolio! You can see your improvement in your graphic skills with this. If you don't know what is a portfolio, let me tell you, it's a place where you record your works and even show it to everyone. In Wattpad, you can simply create a book and post your works there and even, post the assignments I'll be assigning to you all so, I can give reviews to them.

That's all!

Next, I will be starting with the tutorials!

•The first topic I'll teach is Blend edits.•
First, without text and with texts.

It's a small topic which you all should be clear with. There are many people still, you don't know how to blend the images well.

That's all!

Lots of love,
Jibasmita 🦋

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