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Jake's words were cut of by Sunghoon's lips on his..jake was shocked but he couldn't hold it and kissed older back..it was a passionate yet soft kiss..it felt so wrong but so right for both of them..
Their lips collided together like magnets not wanting to let go..
then it hit jake..it was actually so wrong..Sunghoon was his friend afterall!
he pulled back immediately
-Sunghoon I think you should go home.
Jake said before leaving Sunghoon dumbfounded behind

On the other side of the room:
the guys were freaking out seeing them kissing but they stopped after seeing jake walk out like that..they realised what had happened..

Heeseung back with a glass of water but the time he did Sunghoon already passed out on the club couch..
he carried Sunghoon on his back and took jay with him to go drop him off at his house

At sunghoon's house:
-hey auntie and uncle.. Heeseung and jay said
-Oh hi guys! It's been lon- wait..why is Sunghoon on your back Heeseung?
-he passed out because someone put a pil in his drink jay replied for Sunghoon
-WHAT? WHO DARED TO PUT A PILL IN MY SONS DRINK?! his dad shouted until he smelled something..alcohol..
-fuck we got caught jay thought
-so you guys went clubbing and Sunghoon got high?
-uncle he-
-Now don't even lie to me right now it's obvious,I can smell it
-just put him in his bed and leave him there,ugh when will he be responsible for once?! his mom said
-okay auntie...
They went upstairs and put Sunghoon on his bed and they left shortly after checking if he was fine

At Jake's house:
Jake had just come home from the club,he couldn't process what had happened just a few minutes ago..he was shocked..
He came and went straight upstairs but his grandma stopped him.
-jaeyun..what do you smell like alcohol?
-wdym? How Can you smell that I am so far away
-just a little secret..I used be a very good drinker back then.. his grandma said smiling
Jake smiled back
-hey can you come down here for a second?
-yeah sure..
he came down and they sat on the living room couch..
-so,my dear grandson..may I ask why you're lips look so pink rn
-uhh I just put some lip balm on,oh no actually they look like this all the time!
-you know you can't lie to your halmonie now right? And it was first kiss also?
-how did you know that?
-you used to tell me before..now you keep secrets from me..
-no it's not like..I just Idk something happen I wasn't feeling well so I just wanted to rest for a while
-okay butt..what's up with you and that Sunghoon guy?
Jake was shocked and wondered if she knew about their kiss
-uh me and s- Sunghoon?! No nothing
-nah it looks like it...he came for you this morning to pick you up and when I told him about your friend who picked you up,trust me the look that he had was self explainable
-wdym? What look?
-The look of jealousy!! He was jealous of that guy who you went with!
-Oh come on halmonie that's nonsense
-ok if it is then tell me who you kissed tonight!
-umm- you don't KNOW hi- HER
-I am pretty sure it's a him right?
Jake just looked down
-oh come on jaeyun,I know you..I've known you weren't straight a longg time ago and It's totally okay to be attracted to boys..you have my total support
-it is? Jake asked
-of course it is!
-I did kiss Sunghoon..I mean HE kissed me
-but you kissed him back?
-I DIDNT WANT TO..but..I couldn't help it
-I know you like him honey and I am sure he likes you too
-really? Jake asked emotionally
-yes jaeyun,you trust me right?
-I do..
-Just tell him you like him and he'll tell you he likes you back!
-But idek if he's gay or not
-oh boy I really doubt he isn't
Jake giggled at his grandmas funny use of words
-Oh it's late you should to go bed now,tomorrow's a big day!!
He hugged her goodnight and ran upstairs..

This is finally getting fun!!

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