home is where the heart is

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this chapters song: pieces by: muscadine bloodline, lainey wilson.

"Conrad, what are you doing here?"

"I live here, what are YOU doing here?"

Wow he lives here now? I had no idea. This is awkward, what do i say?

"I'm sorry, I had no idea you lived here, I'll just go stay with mom or Steven." I get up to leave.

"Rosalee you didn't answer me." He stopped me.

"I missed the summer house."

He looked at me funny for a second. "Where's Jeremiah?" he squinted his eyebrows.

"In New york, please don't tell him i'm here!" I begged.

"Why not? Are you two over? What about the wedding? What happened?" he went on.

"Just don't tell him, please, I beg you Conrad."

"What did he do." he asked in a serious voice.

"I don't wanna talk about it, I should get going." I pick up my bags.

"Wait Rose, you can stay I don't mind." He said.

I turned around. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, your room is the same you left it." He added.

"Thank you Conrad." I smile. He nodded and grabbed my suitcase and took it to my room for me.

I opened my bedroom door and he sat the suitcase on my bed. "Here you go" he said.
"Thanks, again." I smile.

"yeah, let me know if you need anything." he walks out. How could he be so nice to me after i ran back to his brother like a fucking idiot? Let's not think about this right now.

For the next 3 hours i unpack and take a shower. after my shower i decide to go outside to the beach.

I grab a beach towel and go downstairs. I look around for Conrad and he's nowhere inside. Maybe he's just going to get food.

I walk outside into the sand and sit my towel down. I sit down and look at the waves. After awhile i decide to talk to susannah, don't judge me, but i really fucking miss her and i think i just wanna talk to her, i hope she can hear me.

I'm not gonna tell you what I talked about, personal stuff.

After that I grab my towel and walk back inside. I walk in and see Steven standing in the kitchen. "Steven!?" I hug him.

"Hey rosa" he laughs.

"I missed you!" I squeeze him.

"I've missed you too, can i talk to you in private?" he ask.

We go upstairs to my room and sit down. "How did you know I was here?" I asked

"Conrad called me, he said he was worried about you."

"I don't know why he did, I'm fine." I lie

"Rosalee, I know when your lying." He looks me in the eyes. "What's going on with you and Jeremiah?" He ask. This is gonna really hurt him since they are best friends.

"He hit me Steven.l

next chapter s gonna be carazy

Maybe it was Just a make out Session// conrad and jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now