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AN: Literally when is it my turn to be loved, man 🙁 Anyway, as usual..


C/N: Crush name (or insert a random name)

Y/N: Your name <3

T/N: Team name...

     The cold wind blew against your face as you sat on the bleachers, watching the football game. You were covered with a blanket that had the school colors on it, as well as the school logo. Your eyes were locked on the 'game.' Though, really, they were locked on C/N. You had your eyes on him for awhile, and he was the reason you currently sat in the cold, basically shivering. So far, the football game was tied- 42 to 46. Your school team was losing. Though, it wasn't uncommon for the team to lose.

   "Go T/N!!! You got this!"
               "Let's go T/N!"

     People were shouting out, cheering on the team. There was a solid minute and 1/2 on the clock... It looked as though the team was going to lose. Which was a bummer. You sat there anxiously, waiting for the whistle to blow. When the referee blows the whistle, and it starts up again. The team members pushing against each other, and practically wrestling for the ball...

     Suddenly, C/N gets the ball, and he makes a run for it- The audience stands up in anticipation. 

     "Go, go, go!"
         "Come on C/N!!!"

     The audience cheers him on. There's about 40 seconds on the clock... 

          He reaches the 30 yard line...

          Then the 20....

          Then finally the 10 yard line before...

          He makes it past. He scored a touchdown!

     The audience goes wild- Cheering him on. Screaming, jumping up and down. I watch as his teammates run over to him and essentially tackle him. They're jumping up and down around him, hugging him, patting him on the head. There's 20 seconds on the clock, and it's now 48-46. the other team definitely won't be able to score a touch down, right? 

     Sure enough, the game goes smoothly for the last 20 seconds. It ends 48-46. With T/N on top.

The footballers all cheer and chant C/N. Play fighting with him slightly. You're satisfied with the sight of this, so you start to pack up your things and go. You head off of the bleachers, and you start to make your way down towards your car. As you're walking, you hear a familiar voice behind you-

     "Hey, wait up!"

You turn around, and you spot C/N, jogging over to you. He's now covered in grass stains, and a bit of dirt- no, a lot more dirt than before. You can't help but feel nervous... You smile a little anxiously, and say.

     "Hey, uh... nice touchdown back there..."

The blanket with your school colors, and logo on it is folded neatly in your arms, as you smile and look up at him, you can feel that your face is a little red- from the coldness, and from being a little flustered. He smiles at you, and says

     "I noticed you come to a lot of our football games, Y/N..."

You're a little shocked that he knows your name, you can feel your eyes widen a little at him knowing your name. You rub the back of your neck awkwardly.

     "Ah... Uh, yeah. I like to support our school."

You return the smile to him, trying not to look anxious- though it's probably not working. He crosses his arms, and says

     "You should come to some of our away games... Oh, here."

He pulls out his phone and extends it to you.

     "Maybe you can give me your number, so I can tell you where our next games are?"

You notice how he looks a bit nervous too. You can feel your heart flutter as he extends you his phone, asking you for your number. You slide the blanket under one arm, and take his phone. You're definitely not going to skip this opportunity to get his number. You type in your number one handed, and extend it back to him, smiling a little bit. You then murmur.

     "I guess I'll see you at school? Or one of your games, I suppose."

His smile widens, and he says.

     "Yeah, or maybe I'll see you before then, who knows?"

He gives you a playful wink, before continuing:

     "I've got to go and get out of this uniform, though. I'll see you around, Y/N?"

You nod almost instantly, and mutter.

     "Uh, yeah. See you around."

He then turns around, and walks back towards the school, so he can change out of his football uniform. You can see him looking at his phone as he walks back towards the school. Your face flushes as you realize what happened, and you unlock your car, before stepping inside, and placing your head against the steering wheel. You can feel your face is very red, and you're so flustered about what just happened. You had never expected him to come up to you like that, and just straight up ask for your number! You glance at your phone, and the first message you see is from an unknown number, with the locations of the next games, followed by:

     "Hope to see you around, Y/N. Maybe after the next game we can go out to eat sometime?"

AN: I have no clue why I chose football given I had to look up literally everything. I had no clue how many points a touchdown is, or like the yards or anything... I currently have like 5 tabs open about football rn. Anyway this is a better contrast than the angsty one I did last time!!!!!!!! Idk if I'm going to do a part 2 of this one, maybe?

If you see spelling errors lmk and I'll correct them!!! This goes for literally any of my posts btw.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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