Healing Hurts

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Izuku was playing with his friend group in the forest. Katsuki- or Kacchan, as Izuku calls him, was leading them-

"Forward march and here we go!" Bakugou chanted, as he led them across an old log, that was over a small pond. "Members of the Agency Bakugou!" Katsuki slipped. The others looked over the log to see Katsuki in the lake, Izuku rushed down to help him.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku called out. Izuku noticed Katsuki was holding his wrist. "Are you ok!?"

"Ya, I'm fine, Dek-" Katsuki was caught off guard as Izuku gently took hold of his wrist.

"Just as I thought," Izuku muttered.

"What is it, Deku?"

"You sprained your wrist," Izuku said, as he felt to make sure it was just a sprain. "Mommy taught me a lot of healing stuff." Izuku and Katsuki noticed a glow. Izuku all of a sudden burst out crying, as Katsuki felt the pain in his wrist stop in an instant.

"DEKU!?" Katsuki ran over to his friend. "Wh-what happened!?"

"m-my w-wrist! I-it hurts!" Izuku cried.

"I call Auntie Inko, I'm sure she can help."

Inko Midoriya, the best doctor in all of Japan. She was Izuku's mother, her quirk: Healing Mind, allowed her to heal someone telepathically. The drawback was she got a headache after uses her quirk too much, the worst the injury, the worst the headache.

She could heal injuries fully or just partially. Thanks to that, she's saved people from life threatening injuries. She's been known to be a first responder on the scene of villain attacks. She was loved and well respected among those who knew her. Inko smiled as she healed her son's wrist-

"Honey, I think you just developed your quirk!" Inko said, facing her son.

"R-really!?" Izuku smiled. Katsuki sat next to his friend at the table.

"Yes dear," Inko smiled. "Tomorrow, I'll take you with me to work so we can get the exact details..."

"YAY!" Izuku smiled. Katsuki smirked next to him-

"Awesome! A healing quirk!" Katsuki smirked. "We'll make the best hero team, Deku!"

The Next Day...

"Your son's quirk is called: Transfer Healing," One of the nurses said. "He is able to transfer injuries of others onto himself and vice-versa. This can be done part way or fully. So if he were to try to heal a fatal injury, he wouldn't have to have a fatal injury, but just enough transfer to save said person's life."

"So that's why he sprained his wrist when he healed Katsuki," Inko muttered.

"Dr. Midoriya?" The nurse asked her co-worker.

"Yes, Nurse Hentiya?"

"Your husband has a fire quirk?"


"-And you have a healing quirk?"

"Yes, you know this..."

"Well, around this stage in life," The nurse, Hentiya, explained. "Children develop their quirks. Quirks, while still not fully explained, are believed to be genetic. This means children will often inherit their either one or both of their parents quirks, sometimes even a combination of the two..."

"So you're saying because of Hizashi's fire breath...?" Inko trailed off.

"Your son's healing quirk can also cause just as much damage as it heals."

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