Chapter Nineteen

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A loud snap could be heard as your hand collided with his cheek

He stood there stunned, a big red mark forming on his cheek, his eyes widened as you went for a second one. He quickly grabs your wrist and bends it backwards making you Yelp in pain and he takes hold of two of your fingers and snap them.

"Never lay a hand on me, got it?!" You look at your broken fingers with tears in your eyes, he had never been that mad before. You nod your head and he lets go of your hand, you hold it in your other and wince in pain. "Go to the medic." He said and waved you away.

You rush down the stairs and go to your room too put on your clothes. You get changed and rush out of the living quarters and down the hall toward the medical centre. Once you get there, a medical droid said

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"I broke my fingers." You tell it and walk inside. The droid begins to work on your fingers, popping them back in place and putting them in a splint. "I must fill out paperwork, was this a work place accident?" The droid asked you.

"No, I just fell down onto the floor and broke them, I tripped over my shoes." The droid begins to write it down on a clipboard. "Alright, you are free to go. Come back if you require any more help." You get off the bed and walk out of the medical centre, keeping your head low as you pass others, you tried to hide your hickies with your hair.

You walk past Hux's office, tempted to go in there, but knew it would only cause you more trouble. You walk past with a sighs and make your way back to Kylo's quarters, you place your good hand on the panel and walk into the room. He stood there waiting, his arms crossed and his foot tapping.

"Did you get help?" He asked you and looked at your hand. You nod and walk past him towards the office. "There's some paperwork on your desk, I need it done by 12 this afternoon." He said and watched you go into the office.

You sat down in your chair and look at the many papers that lay on your desk and say "I wish I could go back to Hux, I need him right now." You begin your paperwork, trying to get it done with your broken fingers, which slowed it down.

You got it all done around 12, and you filed it in alphabetical order. "Finally I'm done." You groan and rub you forehead. "Maybe I can sneak out tonight." You said and thought of a way to escape him and go find Hux, you had to, he was the only thing keeping you hopeful you would escape Kylo.

Kylo walks into the office and leans in the doorway "did you get it all done?" He asked and looked at you.

"Yes sir, and everything is filed." He walks over to you stepping behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry for what I did earlier, but you had to learn a lesson." He places a kiss on the top of your head, a shiver going down your spine.

"Yes sir, I understand, and I'm sorry for what I did." You say with a fake apology. He leans down to your ear and says "good girl."

"She's mine!" A general Hux X Reader X Kylo RenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ