The Face

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Everyday, before I go to bed I look in my mirror. It'd become a daily routine, Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. One night however on a Monday, when i looked in the mirror I thought I had seen a face pressed up against the glass, I had to double check, but when i looked back into the mirror there was nothing. ''You're just tired from working all day'' I told myself. 

I woke up the next day, went to work, came home, and showered. Forgetting all about the face in the mirror. Later that night I looked in the mirror, and as i was about to look away, out of the corner of my eye,there it was again. The same face , I looked back but it was gone. ''You're just imagining things Al'' I told myself and went to bed.

Wednesday morning, I woke up, went to work, came home, showered, and again right before bed, looked in the mirror this time I didn't see it.''See Al just get enough sleep from now on, and you'll be fine''. I thought ,and went to bed feeling as if something was watching me.

Thursday morning, I woke up, went to work, came home, showered, but while i was in the shower i kept thinking about that face i saw two nights in a row. ''That could have just been my imagination, right?'' I said to myself as i dried my hair. That night like any other night i looked in the mirror. There was nothing in my mirror that night. But again i went to sleep with the same feeling as the night before. 

Friday morning, I woke up,went to work, came home, put on a cute outfit and went out with my friends. But the whole time i kept thinking about the face in my mirror. The image of the face was burned into my brain, i couldn't forget it. When i got home around 11 p.m. i was too tired to shower. ''I'll shower in the morning'' I said. Once again like every other night i looked in the mirror. But this time was different. It wasn't just a face in the mirror i saw, i saw the faces body this time, standing behind me. I spun around faster than lighting, but there was nothing behind me or in the mirror. ''No this isn't real'' i thought ''besides its almost midnight you're just tired.'' I dragged myself to bed but this time i didn't feel like anything was watching me.

Saturday morning, i slept in, when i finally woke up i took a shower, ate breakfast, watched some t.v , and while the ads were on i remembered the thing behind me last night and a chill ran down my spine. ''You're just overthinking it, it was probably just a coat on a chair'' I said , trying to convince myself that what i saw was nothing. But i knew what i saw last night. I went about the rest of my day lazing around. When it was time for bed i didn't want to look in my mirror, i was too scared. So i just plopped myself on my bed and fell asleep.

Sunday morning, i wake up, eat breakfast, scroll through social media, and the usual laze around all day, eating snacks, But the whole day one thing was on my mind, the face, I couldn't get it out of my mind! ''This is driving me crazy!'' i said loudly.''This whole week I've only been thinking of that face!, Tonight i'm looking in that mirror just to prove to myself that that face is just in my imagination!'' And so i did, when i got out of the shower i walked over to the mirror and looked into it. Nothing was there, just my reflection looking back at me. ''See Al,told ya so'' i said to myself but i felt as if someone or something was watching me. I couldn't shake that horrid feeling away. So i went to bed feeling a bit less worried.

Monday morning, i wake up,go to work, come home but as soon as i walk through the door i sense something is not right. But I decided to ignore that feeling,  little did i know that would be the worst mistake of my life. I took a shower feeling uneasy and as i dried my hair i remembered the face and the strong feeling of something not being right became even stronger.''Its all in your head Al, you're fine.'' I said as i walked out of the bathroom trying to convince myself it was all nonsense. I walked towards the mirror with each step the feeling getting worse. I stand in front of the mirror and see nothing. I breathe a deep sigh ''See nothing to be worried about'' i tell myself. I get into bed and close my eyes. '' the feelings are still there'' i think. ''It feels like something is watching me.'' I've been ignoring this feeling all week. '' Maybe i should open my eyes? Yeah, and when i see nothing maybe this horrible feeling will finally leave.'' I slowly open my eyes and see a shadow over my bed. I rush to turn on my lamp and when i do this thing with big eyes, white wrinkled skin, and a crooked yellow smile creepily whispers to me ''see me now?'' And with that the lamp turns off. I don't know where I am right now all i know is that it's cold,dark,silent and i can see someone through a circle window.

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