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December 15th, 1977

Eden walked up to the black metal gates of the unholy church, arms wrapped tightly around her body as she shivered in the cold dark air. She swallowed the lump in her throat as a man dressed in a long black winter coat with a silver mask, and an upside-down cross hanging from his neck approached her, stepping into the light that illuminated her body just on the other side of the gate.

She watched as his eyes dilated once he saw the large cut bleeding profusely on her left cheek. He quietly grunted, his shoulders visibly tensing, and took a step back into the darkness. He turned to nod at the man behind him, who was dressed exactly like him, as he scurried inside.

"Can I help you?" He questioned in a deep tone.

"I-I-I need h-help," She quivered, shivering as a strong gust of cool air blew by, throwing her shoulder-length, dark brown hair into her face as the air rushed past her. The man stood firm, not even shivering as the cold air crashed over them.

"One moment please," He mumbled, turning and walking into the large structure. She gripped the bars of the locked gate, hoping she hadn't somehow blown her only chance at sanctuary. He had been gone for a while, a lot longer than just a moment. It worried her.

She rested her forehead in between two of the cold metal bars, letting out a deep sigh as she saw her breath escape from her lips. She grunted as she felt a sharp pain soar through her back, as she sighed, making her grip tighter on the bars, and tense at the pain. She tried her best to relax her tense shoulders and was about to walk away when a woman's voice could be her grumbling.

"Why didn't you let her in?" She mumbled, stopping at the steps of the front door. She was dressed sharply in a navy blue skirt suit, with her greying blond hair, slicked back in a tight bun. Once she caught sight of the girl, standing underneath the street light, her eyes softened, and her eyebrows furrowed into a worried expression.

"Oh, my dear!" She exclaimed as Eden perked up, once she began to walk toward her, unfolding the white blanket that was previously resting over her arm.

"Open this gate immediately!" She demanded as one of the men fumbled with the keys, "Oh you utter buffoon." She muttered angrily snatching the keys from his hand. She quickly unlocked the gate, swung it open, and wrapped Eden in the blanket.

"Let's get you warm." She said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder and the other gently wrapping around her back, before gently guiding her inside.

They walked down the long halls, with the walls decorated in red and dark green for Christmas, garland, wreathes, and lights strung everywhere. Candles were mounted on the stone walls, with an endless supply of bright red ribbons flowing from wall to wall. They continued walking down several halls, and up several flights of stairs before they came to a door, with a golden plaque that read, 'Sister Imperator'.

"Is that your name?" Eden questioned and motioned up to the name on the door. The woman smiled brightly at her, as she twisted the door knob on the door.

"Yes. Yes it-" She paused for a moment, as she opened the door, locking eyes with a blad man whose face was painted to look like a skull. He was sitting in a chair, that was placed in front of a desk, with a younger boy sitting in a chair next to him. The boy sat slouched down in his chair with his arms crossed in front of his chest, and his back turned the Eden as if he were pouting. The older man sat up straight with his head turned to Imperator, and a devilish grin plastered on his painted face.

"I have no time to sit and listen to you tattle tell on your brother, Secondo." She sighed as she led Eden over to a fireplace, on the other side of the desk. The younger boy caught her eye as she sat down on a couch next to the fireplace. She glanced at him, making him sit up straight and uncross his arms. Imperator walked over to the desk, sitting down in the chair that was on the other side of Secondo and the boy.

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