fifteen. the plan

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We were all sat around by the fountain and we were telling Robin, Hopper, Joyce and the man I found out was called Murray about what happened just so they could catch up, "The mind flayer it built this monster in hawkins to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world" Mike started

"And it almost did, that was just one tiny piece of it" Nancy added, "How big is this thing?" Hopper questioned, I thought back to it, it was enormous, and it was terrifiying "It's big, thirty feet at least" Jonathon murmured, "Yeah, it sorta destroyed your cabin, sorry" Lucas admitted, Hopper sighed at the fact

"Okay, so just to be clear this, big fleshy spider thing that hurt El it's some kind of gigantic weapon?" Steve asked just to be sure, "Yes" Nancy replied, "But instead of screws and metal the mind flayer made its weapon with melted people?" Steve questioned once again

"Yes exactly!" Nancy said, "Yeah I- okay just making sure" Steve stammered, "Are we sure this thing is still out there? still alive?" Joyce asked

"Definitely, El beat the shit out of it but it's still alive" I told her, "But if we close the gate again" Will began, "We cut the brain off from the body" Max added, "And kill it theoretically" Lucas finished, The plan seemed like it would work but how would we get to the gate with all the Russian's guarding the place with weapons?

I heard yelling echoing from afar I turned my head and saw Murray waving his arms with papers in both of his hands "Yoohoo!" Murray came over to us and slammed the papers down on the table "Okay, so this is what Alexei called the hub, now the hub takes us to the vault room" Murray pointed out, I looked over and could see a map of the place

"Okay, where's the gate?" Hopper asked, "Right here I don't know the scale on this but I think it's fairly close to the vault room, maybe fifty feet or so" Murray stated

Erica walked towards them "More like five hundred, what you're just gonna waltz in there like its commie Disneyland or something?" She told him in a sassy tone with her hands on her hips

"I'm sorry who are you?" Murray questioned, "Erica Sinclair, who are you?" Erica replied with attitude, "Murray...Bauman" He responded

"Listen Mr Bunman, I'm not trying to tell you how to do things but I've been down in that shithole for twenty-four hours and with all due respect you do what this man tells you what to do you're all gonna die" Erica gestured to all of us

"I'm sorry why is this four-year-old speaking to me?"

"Um, I'm ten you bald bastard!" Erica exclaimed, I chuckled at the name she had called him "ERICA!" Lucas warned, "JUST THE FACTS!" Erica argued 

"She's right you're all gonna die but you don't have to, Excuse me sorry may I?" Dustin walked towards him, "Please" Murray scoffed

Dustin and Erica sat down and moved the paper towards himself, "Okay, see this room here? This is a storage facility there's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system, That will lead you to the base of the weapon, it's a bit of a maze down there but between me and Erica we can show you the way" 

Erica nodded to Hopper, "You can show us the way?" Hopper asked in disbelief, "Don't worry you can all do the fighting and dangerous hero shit we'll just be your...navigators"

"No." Hopper stated whilst shaking his head "Nope" Hopper said and he went over to get the guns from the Russian guards that were laying dead over by the car

"Well that settles it, he's gonna die, they're gonna die" Erica walked over to us after observing all the older people getting weapons, "Yep, most likely" Dustin simply answered

"You guys survived?" Lucas commented, Dustin turned around "Barely, if Alisha had told you we would've been fine" 

I furrowed my eyebrows "How was I supposed to know you were gonna do something about it? You should've just shrugged it off as any normal person would do" I scoffed

"Well if I had shrugged it off the gate would stay open, Me doing something about it was the best thing I could've done!" Dustin argued

"Most dangerous one too" I muttered, "We really could've used you guys down there" Dustin commented, I rolled my eyes, "We could've used you up here too" I stated, "Yeah man, we missed you dude" Lucas remarked

"Yeah man, big time" Will added, Dustin walked over and pulled Mike Lucas and Will into a side hug and I backed away in ignorance "I missed you guys too, big time" Dustin smiled

"Please don't cry nerds" Erica cringed, "Erica!" Lucas warned her once again, "Keep saying my name see what happens" Erica warned him back

Hopper came over, "Hey heads up you can navigate just from someplace safe" Hopper threw a walkie-talkie to Dustin

"It's not that simple" Dustin stated, "The signal won't reach" Erica commented, "Not with this you need something with a high enough frequency band to relay with the Russian's radio tower but for that to work you need someone who both seen their comms room and has access to a super-powered handcrafted radio tower one preferably situated at the highest point in Hawkins, oh wait, that's me! If you want us to navigate you got us but we need a head start, and a car" Dustin told Hopper proudly


Steve and Robin, Erica and Dustin had left now to use Hopper's stolen car to drive to Weathertop, We were now on the way out to Nancy's car a few minutes after them, "El you're bleeding" Max told her, I then looked over and observed her leg, "Are you okay?" I asked her

"Yah" Eleven answered, Max opened the car door and Max and I helped her in, I sat down next to Will and Nancy tried the engine but it wouldn't start, "What's wrong?" Jonathon asked, "I don't...I don't know" Nancy tried again but failed "You can't be serious come on!" Nancy exclaimed

"Didn't your Mom just buy this car?" Lucas questioned, "Yes! I'm sure it's fine" Nancy answered, "Did you leave the lights on?" Will asked, "NO!" 

"Do we have gas?" Lucas asked

"YES!" Nancy screamed and tried harder, "Whoa whoa whoa just stop! Pop the hood" Jonathon stopped her and got out of the car to check the front, I got out as well to see what had happened my Dad works on cars and he teaches me a few things, I walked over to the front and looked around to see that the ignition cable was missing

"What the hell? The ignition cables gone" I told Jonathon and Nancy, I heard a low engine roar from the other side of the parking lot I shoot my head and it was Billy's car, "Oh shit!" I breathed

Nancy rushed to the window "BACK TO THE MALL!" She yelled and opened the car door, We all yelled to quickly get back inside

"Back in the mall! go go go" We all yelled, Mike grabbed my hand and we rushed in and I could still hear the car engine echoing around the parking lot


AN: Thank you for reading! don't be a silent reader comments inspire me to write more and don't forget to vote! <3

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