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Come on Sage! Let's go to the beach, apparently theirs a huge party with live music on the beach tonight after the carnival, we just have to go! Can we?" Barry came into the living room and snatched the Jane Austen book from his older sister who was seated next to the bay window, overlooking the hillside cliff. To Sage's annoyance and her brothers pestering, she gave in, especially when her little brother was giving him puppy dog eyes. She gave in, but made Barry work for it

Sage being the eldest and the only one old enough to drive was tasked with the responsibility of looking after her little brother Barry after their mom left to go meet with the lawyer to discuss the terms of Granny Gertrude's will. Luckily the old Victorian house was in great condition, makes since though, Gerty was loaded.

"Sure kiddo, but if you ever take something of mine when I'm currently using it," Sage taps her long black nails on the surface of the book her brother tossed next to them on the table. "I'm going to tell Mom about where all your new pairs of socks went since October." Sage gave a knowing grin that turned into a scrunched disgusted expression. After her little brother turned thirteen, he's been really, really into girls.

"But you promised me!" Barry pokes his older sister in the side who made a disgruntled noise of protest and stood up. The two siblings were of similar heights now that Barry finally had his growth spurt, it sucks when you know your little brother wasn't so little anymore, but his habits of late has throughly grossed out the elder of the two. Not even she was as hormonal as the twerp who was bugging her to socialize.

"That was before I walked in on you looking at stolen porn magazi-" Barry looked like he grew second head and tackled his brother on the cushions of the bay window. Barry managed to pin his sister after withstanding all the painful jabs to his ribs.

"You promised to never speak of it!!" The teenager's voice cracked with his eye widening in betrayal.

"You scarred me for life with you standing stark naked above your dresser you gross little pig! I wonder what you'd do if I blackmailed you with this information, I mean; What would Mom think of her sweet baby boy was jerking it to Playboy? I have all the power here boy, you've got no dirt on me piglet. Live an learn!" Barry retreats and started to storm out of the room at the threat of telling his mother about his misdeeds when Sage stopped him.

"Awe piglet, I was only joking!" Barry turned around quickly, his curly blonde hair shook about as a relieved expression came on his face before his brother shattered it. "Oh not about the blackmail part, I was talking about the live music. You're so easy to mess with piglet!"

So with a roll of the younger's eyes the two siblings changed into respective outfits for the hot weather of Santa Carla. The two didn't look related at all, except for their eye color they got from their lovely mother. Sage was always short and socially awkward for the way she looks and dressed. She had a bohemian fashion sense that screamed down to earth flower child. Barry on the other hand was obsessed with patchwork and bright colors in his style of fashion, where Sage was a laid-back and casual, Barry looked like a punk ready for trouble.

Sage was granted the second biggest bedroom in their Grams's house. In doing so, her mother created a monster. Poster of Woodstock and Fleetwood Mac were strung about and a couple of beanbag chairs were stuffed in a corner next to a coffee table. He had hanging plants around his room and his own large windows let in the most light in the whole house. His yarn and other crotchet needles and other products where on her vanity next to her very own bathroom door. She was lucky her room was one of the two room with one installed. Barry really hated her for that, but since their mom got the only other room with a bathroom he was left with the only other bathroom that was in the creepy basement.

Sage dressed in a short olive green top and paired it with a long earth toned asymmetrical shirt and a pair of clunky tan boots. She made her way down the stairs to see her brother pacing around the door in anticipation, she stood there for a couple of minutes to see how long he'd notice her.

It took only a minute or so before he made eye contact with her in a black and white horizontal striped shirt paired with neon green pants and purple skater shoes. He was a mess, but it was very much him. Stupid piglet.

"Finally! Did you forget that your the only one here that can get us out of this spooky scary hellhole?" She rolled her eyes at her bother's theatrics and marched passed him with her head held high and a smirk on her lips and confident stride that seemingly came out of nowhere, she just got this feeling of strength behind her that shocked even her brother, but he said nothing of it.

"Come now piglet, let's meet the locals."

author's note
Sage is the only Witch with abilities in the Willow family line since their can only be one witch at a time to attain the powers of the goddess Hecate, which Gertrude and her family draw their powers from. The powers of the Willow line skips a generation, hence why Sarah didn't receive any gifts and only a woman can wield the true powers of the coven.

Who's exited to meet the Lost Boys? How about the Emerson's? I for one can't wait to see what happens cause I haven't wrote it yep hehe. Vote if you'd like, this is just a fun story I'm entertaining myself with.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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