A Demon's Life to Save

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Yoongi finished studying everything about Jimin, and Lucy sent a message to him saying that it was time for him to enter the mortal realm. He was nervous considering this was his first mission, and he had no idea what would happen. He made his way towards the portaling office. Once he reached the office, he made his way through security, and on he went to hear his directions.

"Min Yoongi." He heard his name called and moved his way towards the voice. "Okay so I know this is your first mission, but you're the top of your class and we have done as much as we can to prepare you. Remember that only your assigned mortal can see you. Now I want you to think about why you are here, and you will be portaled in 3.. 2.. 1." There he went through the portal feeling more nervous than ever. He knew what he had to do, and he was fully prepared to do it. Get this kid to get his shit together, and come back for his next assignment. That was it. Quick. Simple. Easy.

Once Yoongi made it to the mortal realm, he was smack dab in the middle of a room where he saw something he never thought he'd see. Hoseok. Not just that, but Hoseok and his assigned mortal cuddling and watching a movie together. It was breathtaking how real this was. Hoseok and Jimin. Who could have guessed. Yoongi never would have that's for sure. He had to get it together. He had to get his job done, so he took a slow breath and breathed out slowly. He looked around the room and assessed how he could get Jimin's attention. He saw a closet with a door and found his opportunity. He smirked and made his way to it.

He slowly opened the closet door making it seem eerie. He wasn't past scaring people, he was actually quite fond with the idea. "Jiminie what the fuck is that door doing?!? Is your house haunted or some shit??" Hoseok said and Jimin sat up abruptly to see what he was talking about. Jimin's eyes went wide and he stood up. He made his way over to the door and as soon as he was close enough, Yoongi slammed the door with all his might. The door slammed and Jimin jumped backwards abruptly making a screech that Yoongi never heard another man do. Yoongi snickered to himself as he made his way out of the house.

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