Alliances - The Cataclysm Part 1

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At the dawn of time, before the multiverse and the Web and heroes and villains, there was only one being. It was eternal, immutable, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and of and in everything. There was nothing but It. Nothing could challenge It, for nothing else existed.

Eventually, It grew bored. It wanted something to do, something to play with. So It experimented by created a small space not of It. It was apart from It, and It was so happy. Now, It didn't need to be the only thing anymore. It increased the space, which It called a 'universe', bit by bit, until it was of a decent size. Once It was done, It dived inside, to discover what made this space so unique. It eventually understood that this space was made from other things. Matter, energy, and many other building blocks made up this pocket.

It became so excited It went on a creation spree, randomly making and unmaking whatever It could imagine. Eventually, It calmed down, and decided that It couldn't do enough alone. So, It created three smaller beings, three 'children', to do what needed to be done to tend to the universe.

All three beings had names in the primordial language, but those names were long since forgotten. The first life forms gave names to these beings, these gods, which stuck for the rest of time. Alatraya, the eldest, was female, and responsible for the creation of everything in the universe. She was bold and creative, ready to do what she felt like at any time. Triathon, the next child, was a stern man who radiated authority. He was responsible for balance, and the protection of those created entities. Finally, Magumen was the youngest. He was cold and cruel, which fit well with his domain of destruction. 

The three entities, or 'Greater Ones', as they were called, established a system. Alatraya would create, Triathon would observe, and command Magumen to destroy. The first entity, which soon became called 'The One Above All', was very pleased with Its children, and happily departed the universe, ready to simply observe.

However, over the years, Magumen and Alatraya clashed more and more often. Triathon, the least powerful of the bunch, still attempted to maintain peace within his family, but found that an increasingly impossible task.

Finally, Magumen, giving into his lust for destruction, launched his attack on his siblings. He was the most powerful by far, meaning that they were both caught on the back foot, desperately trying to defend themselves. He didn't let up, and launched his army, 'The Forbidden', against his sister's hoard. Alatraya's creations, who eventually took the name 'The Beyonders', fought back.

For centuries, the universe was locked in a catastrophic war between the two sides. Eventually, Magumen gravely wounded Triaton, prompting a rage filled Alatraya to charge him head on. So powerful were their respectful attacks, that with one blow, the universe was shattered into an infinite number of pieces. Alatraya tried her hardest, but she could never have defeated her brother, and moreover, she didn't want to kill him. Magumen didn't have that problem, and tore at her with everything he had. Finally, with her last breath, she launched a devastating attack that trapped Magumen in a tear in space, sealed with her essence. Alatraya's sacrifice inspired a healed Triaton, or as he was later called, 'The Living Tribunal', to preserve life across the newly created 'multiverse'.

However, Alatraya wasn't all gone. Every so often, when destiny demanded it, she would reincarnate into various different forms. However, Magumen, even in death, didn't leave his sister alone. Swearing vengeance, he implanted a bit of himself into a body every time Alatraya's essence was sensed in the vast multiverse. 

So continued the greatest rivalry in history, through many different ages, through different universes, through different people. Lifebringer-1 and the Anti-All, Neith and Shathra, Kwaku Anansi and the Inheritors, all of them were manifestations of this eternal struggle.

But most prophets agree that a final battle is coming. The point at which fate does not exist anymore, where all who can perceive or direct the future are unable to do so. This has been known for millennia, but most think it nothing but a hoax. None believe that Magumen can actually escape his prison.

However, things have changed. Both Alatraya and Magumen are born anew, and Magumen's cage gets weaker and weaker every day. Soon, he will be upon creation once more. 

So come forward, and read the story of the greatest war in the history of the universe. Read the story of the 'Cataclysm'...

Hey guys!

I've just written a test chapter for a new idea I had in my head. This, if I choose to write it, would be a massive crossover story, but I plan on doing nothing with Earth 616. I've always felt that none of the stories actually explore the full depth of the Marvel Multiverse, so I'll be creating worlds as I go along.

Then again, I want to hear what you guys think about this. This is a prologue, and I'll only start this if I think you guys would want to read it.

I know that it's very inaccurate canonically, but that's the point. 

So, don't forget to tell me what you think. If you think I should continue this, I will, but if you don't I'll just stick with my other stories.

- BuddyBoy27

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