The Potters

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"Jasmine Potter! Rose Potter!" came the cry across the hall. 

Albus Dumbledore stood tall in front of all the students, sending a piercing stare at the two girls at different tables. A black haired, hazel eyed girl rose up shakily from her place at the furthest table to his right. All the blood had drained from her face, and she was visibly trembling, something he could see even from this distance. Her eyes were warily glancing back and forth across the hall, taking in all the whispers and stares of the many students glaring at her.

Another girl stood up from her place two tables away. This one was red haired, and had the piercing emerald green eyes of her mother. Her face was completely blank, and her eyes shuttered. He noticed the telltale signs of occlumency in her features, and sighed tiredly. Once again, he'd failed in his duties as headmaster to keep his students safe, especially these two.

While most would be ecstatic to have their names come out of the Goblet of Fire, they would have to first put their names in. Based on the looks of these two, neither had any idea how their names had come out of the cup, especially after he'd officially declared that the students under 17 will not be allowed to participate.

He could already see the shocked expression on the youngest Weasley boy's face start to morph into outrage, while the Hermione Granger pushed the black haired girl forward. 

"Jasmine, come forward," he beckoned to her, before turning to the redhead as well. "Rose, you too."

A stifled cry caught his attention. Potions professor Lily Potter had her hand against her mouth in disbelief. Auror James Potter stood next to her wide eyed, but clutching his wife to steady her (and himself). 

He could vaguely make out Ms Edgecombe spitting something harsh towards her housemate, while her friend Cho Chang looked on in mutinous silence, glaring repugnantly at the red haired, blank faced girl, for daring to upstage her boyfriend. Her two friends, Morag McDougall and Padma Patil both returned the glare twofold, making both fifth years turn away.

As he made to motion both of them into the antechamber at the corner of the Great Hall, Rose came to a stop in front of him. He frowned in confusion, but she raised her wand into the air.

"I, Rose Dorea Potter," she called with a loud, clear voice, audible to the entire hall. Many professors tried to rush towards her to stop her from doing something stupid, but they were too slow. "Hereby swear on my magic that I did not knowingly enter my name into the Goblet of Fire, nor did I ask someone to do it for me."

A bright light shone at the tip of her wand, momentarily blinding the hall, before it burst in a wave of magic, sending down everyone's spine. 

"Expecto Patronum," she chanted, and a glowing silver thunderbird escaped the wooden stick before circling the hall gracefully, looking for an unseen enemy to fight. It eventually faded away, leaving a still blank Rose looking over the astonished teachers.

"Still a cheat, am I, Edgecombe?" she asked, without ever looking at the girl, making her flush red. "Don't make accusations without knowing all the facts."

"I would beseech you not to do something so risky again, Ms Potter," Albus chided her. "If you had worded that wrong, you would have left yourself devoid of magic."

"Apologies, Headmaster," she called without seeming the least bit apologetic. "But this seemed to be the most expedient way to prove my innocence. After all, this school has a record of not believing what I have to say."

Many flinched at her harsh words. None of them could deny the truth of her words. There were many in the hall who'd accused her of being a dark witch after her and her sister spoke in Parseltongue in their second year, and warned their friends away when Peter Pettigrew had escaped in last year.

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