Shitty Beginnings

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Carolus was putting on a cosplay,  it was Big Ass Nerd Fest© today. Nov was in the other room ready to fangirl. She got her journal, ready to write about anything she saw. "C'mon Carolus! We don't want to be late!" Nov said in anticipation. "Aye, Aye, hold your horses. Cosplay takes a while to get on" he said trying to put on his Carolean trenchcoat. "Go wait outside, this may take a while...". Nov went out to the porch and waited. Out of boredom and anticipation, she began to write in her journal. After around 5 minutes, Carolus got his cosplay on. But before he left, he picked up two cosplay weapons. One of them was a C96 based steampunk pistol. The other was a dystopian looking AK-47 based rifle, which he would wear on his back. He fitted his pistol into a holster, which also held a toy sabre. He then ran out to Nov, who was still writing. "Alright, lets go" he said running towards the bus stop. Nov followed quickly. After 3 or so minutes they got to the bus stop. "Huh...empty.." Nov said looking around for the bus. "Yep, we're about 2 minutes early" Carolus said looking at  the bus website. After 2.01 minutes, the bus did arrive. Nov and Carolus stepped on the bus and sat down. The bus was entirely populated by people in fursuits of all kinds. "Hello furries!" Carolus said to the masses. "Hello, Carolus" the mass of furries said in unison. Nov clutched closed to Carolus. " this normal in Canada?" she whispered in his ear. "Yep, surprisingly little people here compared to normal" Carolus said in response. "So, you all headed fir the convention centre?" the bus driver said to the residents of the bus. "Yes'' the whole bus spoke in unison. "Yeah, i'm going there to see my daughter. Lets all get there faster!" the bus driver said, speeding up as fast as possible. A large crowd of teenage boys were protesting furries, throwing sticks, stones, fake guns and bows at anyone who tried to enter. The bus driver crashed into them at 120 miles per hour. None of them were killed instantly. They all died a slow and painful death while screaming in agony. The crowd of furries walked on their dying bodies into the convention. "Well Nov, here we are!" Carolus said as he pointed towards the old, run down convention centre. The pair walked in and got their convention passes. They walked around the conventions, which was packed with all kinds of colourful characters. People in cosplays and fursuits, Vloggers, a tribe of South Sudanese tribesmen, Nerds just walking around, and artists selling their stuff. In the corner of his eye, Carolus could see a beaten television on the wall with the news playing. "Ghengis Khan comes back to life, Starts new Mongol empire" the reporter said. The television then fell off and crushed a small child. "Carolus! Lets go to the artists alley!" Nov said to Carolus. He soon walked over and they explored the artists alley. The place was full of artists, young and old, showing their newest creations. There were a few small vendor stands selling miscellaneous things. Nov went around and took pictures of the art. Carolus was also admiring the art pieces. They were vey well made. No two pieces looked the same, one was a scene recreation made with figurines, one was a beautiful painting, there was another that was a stained glass mural that looked like it belonged in a church. After what felt like an hour of walking, the duo walked to their hotel room. They were walking, but then they heard a scream.

There was a man with a bomb strapped to his chest, screaming. He pulled out a revolver and started shooting anyone whom tried to flee. Carolus was frozen with fear. While Nov tried to get him to move. In a moment fueled by pure madness, he pulled out his Fake AK-47 and distracted the attacker. Nov got to work and evacuated the room. During an insane adrenaline rush, Carolus rushed the attacker while he was reloading. Pushing him to the floor. Carolus began punching the attacker, while Nov ran to save him. The attacker detonated the bomb, killing them both.

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