Chapter [4]

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"but where would they have gone!" tsukasa said while starting to panic,after all who wouldn't after they took their eyes off a child and middle schooler for a minute then they're gone?
with the rui's
"where are we going?" K!Rui asked M!Rui
"i'm not sure but we don't know those people so it's best we leave" M!Rui responded
"THERE THEY ARE!" someone yelled,both rui's looked back to see the rest of wondashow running towards them,
"where are you going?!" tsukasa semi-yelled

"i'm sorry sir but we do not belong here" M!Rui Said turning back still having ahold of K!Rui
"how do you expect to get home then?" nene replied

back at the stage and the robot . . .
"nene,rui sent you the blue print right?" tsukasa said turning over to face nene
"yeah he did,why?" she replied back
"there must be some sort of directions on it" tsukasa said
just as he said that emu came back from pushing the machine closer to them
"yeah i'll check" nene replied and opened her phone
" . . ." complete silence while she checks and reads the print.

"it says there's a small switch inside and set it to them time they came from" she finally said
the three looked over to the 2 ruis,well 3 if you included the unconscious current rui
"need something?" M!Rui asked as he noticed the 3 staring
"yeah we figured out how to get you two back" emu finally spoke up,it was unusual to emu to be this quiet but it was most likely due to the stress of trying to find them and get the two back
"how?" K!Rui said putting down the props he found and was playing with

. . .

"so we set the time to when i'm from,then older me goes to theirs?" K!Rui asked after the explanation
"sounds good" M!Rui said
"alright whenever your ready!" emu said happily now that they would be able to go back
both ruis get in machine . . .
"put the year your from here" M!Rui pointed to a small panel with 3 dashes
K!Rui put the date and the machine shook
park . . .
They opened their eyes and came out the machine,the machine didn't seem to attract attention as if no one could see it,odd M!Rui thought
"where are you!" a small girls voice called out
K!Rui yelled out "NENE OVER HERE!"
the girl was K!Nene
"oh you were playing with nene?" M!Rui asked
"mhm!" K!Rui answered
"well i should get going bye" M!Rui said
"bye older me!" K!Rui said and tan towards K!Nene

M!Rui got back in the machine and put in the date he's from

he got out the machine and was now on the roof top where was hanging out with mizuki before class,it looked like they left so M!Rui decided to sit and wait,he looked back at the machine and it was now gone.

current time . . .
C!Rui was asleep still
"AAAAAAA" Tsukasa screamed and ran from a centipede causing C!Rui to jolt up
"YOURE AWAKE!" Emu screamed and hugged C!Rui
"That's good" Nene said and smiled now relieved
"what happened thought?" C!Rui asked
"a lot" tsukasa said.

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