Not an ordinary girl

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I wake up in the morning to my usual routine
Washed my face, put on my usual joggers and shoes and grabbed my phone and earpiece of cause I can never forget that

I'm ....... a regular teenager well..... not completely regular I'm an introvert the very shy type of introvert I get bullied every day at school for not being like the others it wasn't always like that tho I was once a regular kid that got along with everybody until my mom died because of me That scarred me for life

I snapped back to reality when the song that got me so deep in thought ended

"That's enough thinking for one morning" I said to myself as I got ready to head out the door. Got downstairs to meet a usual scene that I'll never get used to my dad making breakfast while giggling with his girlfriend

I saw him say something but I couldn't hear him because I always had my music was on max he noticed that and gestured for me to come join them even if he knew my answer he asked anyways

I walked pass the annoying creature that looked like a person and gave my dad a kiss before heading to the door and just ignoring that she existed ooooh I was satisfied with the look on her face she looked like a pig about to give birth

I've been jogging with the same route for years but it somehow felt different today like I wasn't alone and someone was watching me I turned several times to check if anyone was behind me but it was just me in a cleared path of a forest then the strangest thing happened I herd my name and it felt like my loud music somehow grow quite the whole atmosphere felt cold and terrifying and also sad at the same time and somehow familiar I couldn't just rap my head around it but I felt peaceful then all of a sudden it just stopped the place felt the same way as it always did and I missed it for some weird reason I suddenly felt empty I finally decided to just go home and get ready for hell or as normal people call it school

Mondays the worst day of the week actually I hate every week day or any other day I have to go to school not because I'm lazy and hate studying like the others I actually enjoy it a lot and I'm really smart but the other kids make me look like a freak for it. it's just not fair

I walk though the school hallway with my earphones wearing a big hood and jeans I put the hood over my face and looked down while walking hopping no one will notice me and I thought my plan was actually working on till.....
"Hey outcast" that demonic voice rang in my ears and I just wished I could disappear
"Hi jessy" I said while trying to hide my face even more
"Jessy? Jessy? Did this animal just call me by my name?...... you fucking bitch!!!! Who do you think you are "

"I.....I......I...... didn't meant to...... I'm so..rry.. it's just that last time you told me to call you by your name and I...." and before I could Let out another word she hit me, a solid slap right across my face. that fucking bitch

"I'm sorry master... it won't.." another slap echoed through the hall gaining the attention of everyone this time

"How dare you??!!!! You filthy being " she said and spat on me while her escorts just giggled

"Hey Princess" I looked back to see Chris the most handsome devil in school

"What's going on?" He asked as he accessed the situation

"Nothing much just teaching this trash a lesson " she said sounding all milk and gentle

"Don't tell me you touched that thing, make sure to wash your hands tho" he said while eyeing me over

"Of course, hey what's this?"

She reached fourth to grab my music player
no no no no no no that's one thing I can't lose to her
I hurriedly took it from her and accidentally pushed her in the process

"I...I'm mom gave it to me and I just can't afford to lose it"

" you filthy witch did you just touch my girl" Chris said preparing to hit me and then he suddenly flew backwards and hit the lockers with so much force

What the actual fuck just happened????!!!!

"Babe !!!!!!" Jessy tale yelled

And just like that a crowd formed

"You witch what did you do!!!!" Jessy came charging towards me

"What going here??" We both looked at the direction the authoritative voice came from and there he was my salvation the biology teacher. I breath a sigh of relief as a saw the only teacher who wasn't intimidated by Jessy's rich and powerful parents he always stood up for me when even the principal will turn a blind eye

"She tried to kill Chris cause she's jealous" Jessy shouted and started crying

That fucking bitch

At this point there's nothing I really wanted to say or that I could say cause I've retired everything from arguing to calling my dad and trying to prove my innocence nothing really worked she's just to powerful, she's got everyone under her foot

"Evans and John take Chris to the nurse"  Mr Theo said while pointing at Chris's best friends and they where off. He took me, Jessy and two witnesses to the principal's office to report the incident

Wait........... who pushed Chris????

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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