Chapter three

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       I waited patiently, the wind died down and waited til they came down to me. I was faced with at least ten Gargoyles. They had human features, so I let my tails appear. I was not amused in any way. "Why is one of your own attacking humans?" My claws and fangs we're out, "How did you figure out that he was one of our own?" "Do you not know what I am?" They looked at the tails swaying behind me. "Ah, so you're the kitsune we have been sensing. We were wondering what or who had that type of power in the school. That's the only reason why one of our kind attacked a human. He thought he was the parasite." "First off don't call me a parasite. What is the one who attacked one of the humans kind called?" I heard shifting behind me. "The names Aral." I turned around to find a muscular boy behind me.
The Gargoyles were beautiful creatures, I noticed that about them. I felt tiny compared to him, I saw him looking at me intently. I backed up from him I had to break the intense gaze he was giving. I felt my tails start to twitch nervously. I walked up to him cautiously. I was compelled to touch his face. I touched it he flinched and I smiled.
      "Ms. Kalani may you please report to the office." I didn't want to go but I had to. "I'll handle this. Stay out of trouble you guys." They nodded to me and went back to their original posts. I put up my tails and unlocked the door. I ran down the stairs triple time to get to the office. I knew my father was here. His expensive cologne took over the office usual smell.
         The secretary pointed me to the office. The boys' parents were here. I knew I had to put on an act for the other parents. 'No nobody saw daddy.' I saw him sigh with relief. He winked at me and it was time for the show.

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