Chapter 9: Millie

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Never before have I experienced an O of such intensity in my life. It was as if my soul detached from my body. The sensation was so profound that it was as though I was an ethereal observer, watching the experience unfold from a vantage point high above. The waves of pleasure cascaded through me, each one more electrifying than the last. It was an exquisite fusion of physical ecstasy and addictive heat. The sheer intensity of the moment lingered in the air, leaving me in awe of the unknown depths of pleasure that can be reached.
As I gradually returned to the present, the memory of that extraordinary O lingered, etched into the very core of my being. It was an encounter that would change me forever.

Did I genuinely find myself getting eaten out in the luxurious confines of a Bentley with a gentleman I've only known for a mere three hours? It sounds like a plot twist lifted straight from an erotic novel.
Becs won't believe me when I tell her all of this tomorrow. I can already anticipate the raised eyebrows and incredulous stares.

The realisation that our intimate moment unfolded in the presence of witnesses sets in, and a sense of shame briefly tugs at the edges of my consciousness. However, the exhilaration and a fervent hunger for more overpower the fleeting discomfort, and an unexpected surge of confidence propels me forward.
In the midst of this emotional whirlwind, a deep desire emerges—more Danny. The magnetic pull between us seems to override any external factors, and the desire for a continuation of our stolen intimacy becomes an irresistible force. The hunger for more shared moments propels me forward, overriding any nagging sense of embarrassment that threatens to linger. In my mind's eye, Daniel stands out as someone favored by the gods, an individual with an aura of undeniable allure. The subtle suggestion of his physical endowment becomes apparent, evident to anyone with eyes to see.

I carefully position myself over him as he examines my bandages. Taking care to secure them in place, he places his hands gently on my waist, offering support as he guides me across. I am not wearing underwear and I can feel his pulsating cock right by my entrance. I start to kiss his neck when he pulls my dress under my breasts and pushes me back and gawks. 'Fucking hell, you're beautiful.... and are pierced.... You're full of surprises Mils aren't ya', his mouth instantly goes to my nipple as he starts biting and inhaling my breasts. One hand gets wrapped around my waist and the other caresses me whilst he starts to slowly thrust into me.  In the midst of our moment, I start to unbuckle his trousers when a voice emanates from the speaker, cutting through the ambient sounds. "Mr. Mattlewood," it declares, a tone of efficiency lacing each word. "I've completed the drive-thru and safely deposited Mr. O'Donnall at his brother's residence. I've also taken the liberty of getting some food for both yourself and Miss Millie. It's placed on the passenger seat in the front. We've arrived at Miss Millie's home address. Would you prefer to conclude the journey here, or shall I proceed to take you back to your residence?"
As his lips reluctantly leave my nipple, I steal a glance at Danny, whose gaze lingers on mine, his hand now finding a resting place on his jaw. The other remains securely cupped around my waist. A subtle smirk graces Danny's lips as he breaks the silence. "I want to stay with you all night and into the morning," he confesses, his words carrying a blend of desire and sincerity. He acknowledges the practicalities, mentioning the utmost important conference call at 10:30 am. Leaning in, he punctuates his declaration with a kiss on my collarbone, the warmth of his breath creating a shiver down my spine. His voice a velvet murmur, "Or you can step out now and go home.... But be aware, if you choose to return with me, I will proceed to fuck you on every surface possible and eat your cunt at least another 3 times. Sleep will be a luxury you'll have to forfeit. The choice, is entirely yours."

Is it truly within me to leave after the words he just poured into the air, hanging between us? To return to the solitude of my own bed, to the silent corridors of night alone, and to wake up to the familiar embrace of my parents, all while possibly never seeing this man again and adding him to the realm of fleeting encounters?
Or am I going to go and have what sounds to be another 15 orgasms?
AND get fucked like I haven't been in 4 years?
I don't answer. I don't need to.
I continue undoing his trousers and his mouth magnetically goes back to my nipple, he presses a button on the ceiling and with a full mouth responds. 'Back to mine please Malcom, thank you'.
Becs always made a rule of carrying a pack of condoms whenever we went out, even if it was to the cinema. Shopping centres, spa days.. you name it, Becs was always prepared. She made me take the one from the toilet attendant 'in case by some miracle I decided to speak to a male and want to have sex'. I unbuckle his Hermes belt as I hover over his legs and slide down between them on the floor of the car. I pull down his boxers and to no surprise of my own..

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