Chapter 13: Millie

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After witnessing Becs undergo the hard task of sifting through seventeen different outfits, all generously borrowed from yours truly, and gracefully cat-walking through my kitchen to the pulsating beats of Khia's "My Neck, My Back (Lick It)," she finally settled on a simple yet effortlessly ensemble. The chosen outfit consisted of a Zara V Neck Dark Green Cardigan done up, complemented by Black Levi Jeans and a pair of wedges chosen to add some height. Standing at a modest 5'2", Becs believed that even the subtle elevation from heels made a noticeable difference to her overall appearance.

Midway through the process of curling her hair, Becs turned to me with her serious eyes, "What do you want me to say if Reg brings up you and Daniel? Should I act obliv?"
Reclining on my bed, gazing out into the sunlight. Sitting up, I responded, "I doubt anything will be mentioned. That whole thing was beyond embarrassing... and is there any chance can I persuade you to take the somewhat repulsive, worn-by-hundreds-of-other-ladies clothes for you to pass to Reg for the dirtbag?" My eyes pleaded with Becs as I envisioned the horror of having to be in the same vicinity as Daniel, let alone returning clothes that I had worn and laundered.

After a momentary pause, Becs relented, "FINE. Just throw them in a bag, and I'll hand them over to Reg. It's not like that's going to be awkward... You and Dan will definitely become the topic of conversation then," she remarked, turning back to the mirror and resuming the meticulous task of curling her hair. Once Becs finishes curling her hair, I gather her locks and secure them in place, preparing to paint her face. As I delve into the realm of cosmetics, I decide on a natural brown smoky eyeshadow, delicately accented with a hint of pink in the centre to add a touch of sparkle. Her lips are coated in a matte pink shade, and her cheeks are flushed with a perfectly applied blush, creating a look that enhances her features.

As I apply the finishing touches, I can't help but admire how the makeup enhances Becs' natural charm. I find myself silently hoping that Reg recognises the treasure that stands before him and doesn't break her heart. With the setting spray in hand, I mist it over Becs' face, using the best spray for the occasion, Charlotte Tilbury of course. As we wait for the spray to dry, we decide to indulge in a little musical interlude, immersing ourselves in the lyrics of Taylor Swift. The melodies of "All Too Well - 10 Minute Version" fill the room, and we can't help but join in, belting out the lyrics with passionate screams. Amidst our impromptu karaoke session, the concert is interrupted by the gentle vibration of Becs' phone. We exchange curious glances before she reaches to find out who killed our vibe, 

Reg 'The Prince' 5:02pm : Hey you, are we all good for 6:30? I will come and pick you up, what's the address? Can't wait to see you! Reg x

Becs squeals with excitement, her face lighting up with joy. "I won't reply straight away... but I will reply soonish... like in 3 minutes. Yeah, in 3 minutes or 2 minutes, I will reply. Wait, is that too soon? Should I wait 10 minutes? I will play it cool," she exclaims with a mixture of nerves and giddiness. Before I can even respond to her ludicrous comments, she bashfully adds, "I replied. I couldn't be bothered to wait...
I said 'Hey, 6:30 is great. I am currently at Millie's; her address is blah blah blah. Looking forward to seeing you too, Becs xo.... Was that okay? Am I a desperate whore?'"

My eyes widen, "You told him to collect you from mine?" I ask confused. The idea of Reg picking her up from my place hadn't crossed my mind. "No, no, no, Becs, you're going home. You are NOT being picked up from here," I assert firmly.
Becs, however, isn't one to back down easily. "Well, I am nervous and want to sit with you until I leave, and I wouldn't make you drive all the way to mine and then watch me leave and THEN drive all the way back to yours. I am thoughtful like that... Soooooooooo, getting picked up from here. And plus, you can help me with last-minute tweaks and a spritz of perfume before I walk out the door," she explains, her words tumbling her words out at a speed of 100 miles per hour.
Her reasoning, though rapid, strikes a chord. Becs is right; driving to her place and then heading back home alone would have left me feeling extra single. With a resigned nod, I given in to the plan, realising that my evening would be incomplete without playing the role of the supportive friend, assisting Becs with those crucial last-minute touches before her date.

"Of course it is fine, you plum. I will be tracking you ALL night long whilst I get a Chinese and watch a catch-up of Love Island with Mum and the animals," I playfully joke. As I continue, my voice trails on just as Mum walks up the stairs. "I've washed your clothes, Becs. That was so sweet of you to lend them to Millie this morning. I cannot imagine how embarrassed she would've been leaving that AirBNB in her 'going out out' dress," Mum says, placing down the crop top and shorts I came home in, on my bed.
She then walks back down the stairs, shouting up, "Cannot wait to see what this Reg looks like. I heard you say he's picking you up from here. I am going to watch through the ring doorbell. Does he have any single friends for Millie?" Mum's playful giggle echoes through the house, and both Becs and I can't help but break out in laughter at the irony.

A few hours later, Becs and I make our way downstairs, our nerves tinged with excitement. We're greeted by my mum in the kitchen, holding two shot glasses out in front of us. "Becs, I can only imagine you're nervous, sweetie. So, I thought we could all do a little shot to give you a bit of confidence before you're picked up in," Mum suggests with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. The gesture makes me laugh, especially considering Mum's even making Dad do a shot too.

"Ohmygoshhh Jayne, totally needed," Becs responds with genuine enthusiasm. Before we clink our glasses, she's already downed hers and eagerly asks for another. Moments later, the doorbell chimes. "Millie, can you get that please?" Becs pleads, to which I playfully respond, "AHAH, NO Becs. Get the door yourself," laughing at her nerves. After a brief pause and deep breath, Becs, unable to resist any longer, heads to the front door.
Peering my head through the doors, while my mum tunes in on the iPad from the ring doorbell. Reg arrives carrying a dozen roses, looking dapper in black jeans and a white silk shirt with a couple of buttons undone. 
"Wow Becs, you look beautiful. These are for you," Reg speaks as he hands Becs the roses. "Oh, these are so pretty, thank you Reg. You don't look so bad yourself. Do you mind if I give you these?" Becs says, handing over the bag of clothes.

I wanted her to do it later... NOT in MY HOUSE.

"What's in the bag?" Reg peeks inside. "Female clothes? I am confused."

"Oh, I should've explained. Sorry. Ermmm.... those are from Millie. She asked me to give them to you, to give them back to Daniel," Becs awkwardly replies.

Reg starts to laugh, "Alright, alright... So my guy didn't give her his number. Rookie move. Yeah, of course, I will put them in the car and get the driver to drop them off once we have been dropped off. You ready?"

"Yes, I am all good. BYE MILLIE!" Becs shouts down my hallway.

"Millie? Come and say HELLO to me! How's the wound?" Reg shouts.

Left with no alternative but to respond and make an appearance, I hastily shrug my dressing gown, to reveal my chosen attire of oversized joggers and a crop top featuring the iconic Elvis. My fondness for The King of Rock and Roll runs deep; it's a familial inheritance passed down from my Grandad, a huge fan in his own time, whose admiration for Elvis ran through in my dad and eventually got passed down to me. The allure of Graceland, Elvis Presley's home, has been etched on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. Despite my modest savings of only £250 over the past six years, I'm steadily inching closer to finally booking the trip. The prospect of exploring his home, witnessing his planes and cars first-hand, is nothing short of extraordinary. My goal is to be the biggest tourist there ever was, opting to stay at The Guest House at Graceland. I've amassed a modest collection of five vinyl records, each a treasured piece of the King's musical legacy. Whenever my wanderings lead me past a record store or charity shop, I make it a point to rummage, hoping to uncover hidden Elvis gems.
I stumbled upon his original Christmas Vinyl, for an absolute steal of £3, significantly undercutting the £75 it's advertised online.

"Oh hey Reg, I didn't want to intrude," I awkwardly shimmy to the door and stand behind Becs.

"What've you got planned tonight then Mils? I take it by the bag of clothes, you're not seeing Dan again ," he laughs. Before I can think of a response, Becs answers for me,
"Millie has a date tonight with one of my brother's friends. He plays professional football, but they aren't meeting until later. His training doesn't finish till 8," she adds a sly wink, offering me an I-lied-to-make-you-look-cool excuse. "Oh wicked Millie. Have a nice time. Come on Becs, let's get going. Nice to see you Millie and leave this with me," Reg says as he lifts up the bag.

He grabs Becs' hand, and they walk out the door. I shut it behind them, feeling a mix of jealousy and happiness. Jealousy because, Becs is on a hot date being handed a dozen roses, and I've just added a Pizza Hut Meal Deal for One in my basket on Deliveroo. Happiness because, there is no one else that deserve it more than her. 

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