[7] Race ~end~

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     "Hm?" Vincent murmured after answering his cellphone. He was currently swimming through youtube, Alexander's call shoving track of time back in his face as his eyes curiously moved to the right corner of the screen. It read 10 pm. 

     "Hm to you too!" his excited voice replied, the distant voices in the background signalising the fact that he was outside. "I call you to present a marvelous idea!" 

     "Hm..." Vince replied, waiting for him to continue. He just wasn't in the mood for talking ever since he witnessed his best friend flirt with a man, a stranger, a sociopath like J. Sure, he doesn't really know anything about him to be in place to judge, but he ignored that fact and focused on silently hating him.

     "Well, I was searching through my huge file of photos, and came across these old, old pics we took back in our days, when we were like 16." he joked, despite the fact that only 4 years have passed since then. "The photos we took at 'That-One-Tree'! Remember? When we used to race like animals down that sidewalk and then climb up on 'That-One-Abandoned-Train' and then jump down and run all the way to  'That-One-Tree' -"

     "Yes, yes I remember, Alex. Your point is?" Vince asked, loosing patience.

    "Well, I think we should do it again! The race, I mean! And before you say the idea is stupid, Victor agreed, so you can't criticize it!" Alexander stated sheepishly, and Vince could just imagine him sticking his tongue out in victory. He always did whenever Vic would agree on something stupid like that.

     "Victor agreed to race us... now... at 10 in the night. At the age of freaking 20." Vincent deadpanned, resisting the urge to face palm. "Did you force the idea down his throat until he gave up and agreed?"

     "Of course I did, silly! Come on, it will be epic!" 

     "Epic? You always faceplant when you jump down the roof of that 'That-One-Abandoned-Train'. How is that epic to you? And what is the point of it anyway? And why now, from all the times you could have chosen?" 

     "The point of it is to rebound our little group. Ever since M's gang rolled around, we just split. I mean you and M happily do graffiti under the sunset, Victor and J are planning world domination together, and I'm just standing there, my mind being corrupted by those twisted R and K guys. Their jokes traumatize me." he whined.

     "Alex, we're not- I'm not even going to have this discussion. Just... tell me where we're meeting." 

     "Well, you can take Victor by the hand and meet me at 'That-One-Park' . 

     "We seriously sucked at naming stuff. The lack of imagination we presented is almost worrying." he sighed, then slightly jumped in his seat when there was a knock on his door. "Bye." he hurried to say, then went to his door, not surprised to see Victor standing behind it, wearing the usual black jeans and pale coloured over sized shirt. "What the hell, Victor?" he wasted no time questioning, then stepped aside to let him in.

     "Don't judge me, he went all victimized puppy mode on me." he shrugged. "Besides, I could use some movement." he added, cracking his back to prove the point. "My body is as dusted as the books in my library." 

     "Your body is fine." scoffed Vincent.

  Of course, after actually buffering what he just said, he chose to rush away and occupy his embarrassed conscience by searching around for clothes. Since his apartment was, like any other in the complex, one roomed, he had to change in front of his friend. But he just brushed the awkwardness off, knowing Victor had multiple other occasions to see his body before. 

     But, as he was about to pull the shirt down, a hand stopped his, holding the material just above his abdomen. Looking at Victor he saw him gazing down, an unfazed expression on his face. 

Vincent (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now