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Pacific Ocean, Unknown
Location, Unknown

In the Pacific Ocean, near some unknown island from the mist, a shape, a ship, is taking form. And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm. A sign of power,and a show of force, raise the anchor, Battleship's plotting its course. A pride of a nation, a beast made of steel, he was made to rule the waves across the seven seas. To lead the war machines. Or that's what used to happen. Now, he's no longer the Pride of his nation, but more like the Victor of his nation, and it Allies. This ship, is not like the others. With speed, firepower, survivability, range, and courage, there is nothing that could be at him, but him himself. And nothing's getting in his way.

Here, we can see a group of ship's heading towards the unknown Battleship's location. The group consists of four ship's. A Battleship, a Heavy Cruiser, a Destroyer, and a Battlecruiser. Thier names are KMS Bismarck, KMS Prinz Eugen, USS Laffey, and HMS Hood. They are apart of a resistance group know as the Crimson Axis. They where apart of a group known as Azur Lane, but where forced to turn traitor after being sent to their deaths. There's a few others that have turned traitor, but not that many, along with their host's, and Allies. Anyways, back to the group. We can see them, get closer to the location, when they stumble apone the ship. All four of them gaped at the size of the ship, and it's superior weapons. Turning to look at each other, they began boarding the ship, hopping to see who it was.

Soon, after a thirty minute exploration, of the front part of the ship, they came across the Captain's quarters. Slowly opening it, they discovered a lone male laying on the floor dressed, in unknown fatigues. Slowly, approaching him, Bismarck shook him awake. As the unknown male awoke, he saw Bismarck and her group. Put on edge, he asked them a simple questions. " Who are you four, and where am I? " The four girls looked at each other, before turning back to the male. It was Bismarck who answered him. " I am KMS Bismarck. Lead ship of the Bismarck Class Battleships. Behind me are KMS Prinz Eugen of the Admiral Hipper-Class Heavy Cruiser. Next to her is USS Laffey of the Benson Class Destroyer's. And behind them is HMS Hood of the Admiral-Class Battlecruisers. And to where you are.... You are near Tori-shima Island near Japan. Now, who are you, and how did you get here? "

The unknown male looked at them, with veris emotions going through his face before he answered. " Me? I'm the Last Battleship. The Battleship of Victory. The King of the Ocean. I am the USS Missouri BB-63 of the Iowa Class Fast Battleship's, and the Victor to all. " Bismarck and the others tensed hearing that he was apart of the Iowa Class. The had already dealt with his sister's who, wouldn't be persuaded by their word's, nor their actions. And, on top of that, the most dangerous Battleship in the world is in front of them. Looking at each other, they started a private conversation with their eye's, before turning to Missouri, who was watching them with a curiose eye's. Once they where done, with their private conversation they turned back to Missouri, with a worried look on their faces. " Missouri," Bismarck states, hopping to get his attention, which worked. " Do you mind joining our organization Crimson Axis?" Hearing this, Missouri tilted his head to the sides mulling over her words. Before he did anything he decided he would get more information of it. " Crimson Axis. Kinda sounds like Axis from World War Two. But something tells me it's a bit different, from Axis if Hood, and Laffey are apart of it."

Bismarck nodded at his word's, getting where he was going with this. " That is true. It's more of a resistance group. You see we where apart of an organization called Azur Lane. They had revived almost all World War Two ship's, and yes they did revive your sister's, but I'll get to that later. Now, me and the others that are apart of Crimson Axis where sent on mission that where sending us to our death's. Since these missions where a constant thing, we and others decide to become deserters, which then labeled us and them as traitor's. After traveling for awhile we came across the island Tori-shima which lead us to discovering defects from the Azur Lane organization. They are know as Siren's. And they are our host's and Allies. You see, all we want is to take down the Azur Lane organization, and free ourselves, and the others that are trapped believing the lies that are fed to them. So will you help us?" Bismarck and the others looked hopeful at him. Missouri looked at each of them, before sighing.

" Before I join, I need to know about my sister's. And if the others are there with them." They all nodded, seeing his point of view on this all. Hood stepped forward, and answered him with a bow. " Your sister's Iowa, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Kentucky are still  apart of Azur Lane. They said they wouldn't sway from Azur Lane no matter what we told them. Even with our actions they won't." Missouri just shook his head. While it was a surprise to hear that Illinois and Kentucky where alive, he couldn't really find it surprising about his sister's actions. " I'm not really surprised about my sister's actions. They where always shoot first, ask second type of people. Especially Wisconsin and her temper. What about the Montana Class Super Battleship's. I know for a certain that if they brought back my two long lost sisters, that they are going to bring back my half siblings." Bismarck and Hood glanced at each other nervously, while Laffey preceded to doze off, and Eugen started reading a book from his bookshelf that was Titled 'Imperial Japanese Navy Destroyers 1919–45 (1): Minekaze to Shiratsuyu Classes (New Vanguard)'. Slowly turning back to Missouri, Bismarck answered.

" They have brought back all five of them. We do have a defector though. Surprisingly it is the lead ship of the class." This really didn't surprise Missouri. After discovering the Spirit World, for ship's, planes, tanks, and helicopters Missouri got to know some of the real well. Like Montana for instance. She has a level head, a caring personality, and fierceness that kinda makes Missouri, feel hot under the collar. Shaking his head at their response, Missouri had a couple more questions to ask. " And what of my other half sister BB-62-B. Or also know as USS Georgia?" Bismarck looked at him confused, since she has never heard of this ship before and was not sure on how to answer it. But apparently Hood did. " If I may ask, who is Georgia?" This caused Missouri to sag his shoulders in what seemed defeat. But none the less he answered.

" USS Georgia, BB-62-B. A experimental Iowa Class Battleships. She's a crossbreed of an Iowa Class, a Yamato Class, a Montana Class, and a Bismarck Class Ship. Her ship was the length of a Iowa, and a close speed to one as well. Her main guns where the same size as a Yamato. Her armor sceam was the same as a Bismarck, and her armor it self was that of an Montana. All in all, she was a perfect hybrid of Battleships. She is my little sister. And I am her older brother. I'm the only one she would and probably will listen to. She's sweet, funny, protective, outgoing, and fierce. But most of all, she's lonely. Since I'm the closest thing similar to her, since am also different from the rest of my class." Bismarck and Hood looked at him, with gaped mouth's at the thought of a ship like that, while Eugen was emersed in her book, but did raise an eyebrow, and Laffey.....well Laffey was sleeping, while leaning on Eugen.

Standing up Missouri thought about everything he has been told, and came to a decision. " I thank you for all that you have told me. And because of that I give you my answer. My answer is yes. I'll join Crimson Axis. Though mind telling me what the year and date?" Bismarck excited that they finally have someone else to join them answered him. " It March 18, 2179." This caused Missouri to freeze. " There's no way. Last I checked it was February 15, 2023." This caused everyone minus Laffey to freeze. " Well Mighty Mo, it seems your a long way from your time. " Looking over at the speaker, which was Eugen, he gave her a look that said 'Well no shit. Thanks Captain Obvious'. " Yeah, no shit. Now, let's head to this base of operations. I'm curiose to meet who these Siren's are." Nodding, they all started their way back to the base of Crimson Axis, where Missouri will meet people and things that will change his life forever.

A/N: Let me know what you think, and if there's ship's that you would like to see defect to Crimson Axis. Also I was inspired by the book Prise of the Nation. ( Bismarck Male Reader x Azur Lane Harem ) by Koreilly03. Also go check them out, as their stories are awesome.

The Victor of all. ( A USS Missouri x Azur Lane Harem )Where stories live. Discover now