36. MBTI as things that are great

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ESTP: When you throw your trash perfectly into the trashcan across the room.

ESFP: waking up to a bunch of texts.

ENFP: just a really good cheesecake.

ISFP: having your hair brushed.

INFJ: using new pens in a brand new notebook.

INFP: that really quiet peaceful hour, right before dawn when everyone is still sleeping and the air is crisp and cool.

ENTP: cracking a joke and the whole class laughs.

INTP: when your friend starts getting into a show/book/movie you really love. 

INTJ: Acing a test you thought you did poorly on. 

ENTJ; when the other people in your group project refer to you as the 'smart one'.

ISTJ: The euphoria of closing the tabs you used for an essay.

ESTJ: peeling the plastic protector of a brand new phone screen.

ISFJ: the excitement that comes you are about to give someone the PERFECT gift.

ISTP: gnarly high fives that land perfectly and makes the meatiest slap.

ENFJ: when you gave someone advice but they didn't follow it but you were right and now they are coming crawling back.

ESFJ: hearing your favorite song play in public.

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