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Crystal: Why do you like Sarah so much! Why can't you just stop plans with her for once! It isn't far!
Will: I can't break my promise with her Crystal. I don't treat her any different than I do you. So stop with the attitude! I have to go get lunch with Sarah now.
Crystal: Can I come?
Will: No.
Crystal: See you are treating her better than me!
Will: Me saying no to you doesn't mean I am showing favoritism.
Crystal: Fine I am sorry Will. It's just that your the only one I trust... Because my mom only talked about you, not anyone else here.
Will: Stop lying Crystal. *I walked away to the canteen.* Hey Sarah!
Sarah: Hey, Will!
Will: Ready to go on the picnic!
Sarah: Of course Will!
Bailey: Don't have too much fun you two. .
Sarah: BAILEY! *I blushed*
Will: Really?
Bailey: Yes, really.
Crystal: Can I come Sarah. I will forgive you.
Alma: Don't let her ruin your guys time alone chica.
Sarah: I am sorry but no. I wasn't the one that did anything.

Another newcomer?! |Part 9|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ