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I slowly open my eyes, i remember where i am and look round. I look back and see Neymar next to me flat out, he looks so peaceful, his lips are pouted, i noticed he does that when he sleeps.

I check my phone and see it's only 4:38 so i try lay back down and get some more sleep but i just cant. I huff quietly and get out of bed. I walk over to one of the fish tank walls and sit beside it.

I stare into it because it's quite thick, i cant see the other side. I notice theres also sharks, starfish, lobsters, not only fish. I take out my phone and decide to message my parents.

M: Hey guys, i'm just letting you know that i'll be staying here up until christmas. I promise i'll be home before then. How are you guys doing? Is everything okay at home? Love and miss you both lots ❤️

I see Jerry has messaged so i open that.

J: Hi Adriana here's the details for your shoot. It's on the 8th of November, you need to be at the Louis Vuitton building in Barcelona at 2pm, don't be late and come in with a fresh face. We've got some makeup artists in you'll be modelling our winter sales. I'll be there i've got to get away from these strikes so i'll be in Spain for a while. See you then.

That's the same day Neymar's got training, at least we'll both be occupied. I open instagram for the first time in days but i immediately regret it.

My messages are full with Bruna's fans calling me names. Slut, Whore, downgrade etc. I ignore them and see Meghan has posted on her story.

It's her and Marc on his sofa with snacks watching tv. I go to my account and see i've gained a lot of followers, wow i'm nearly at 500k now, i was on 250 before i came here.

My posts with Neymar have gotten a lot of likes, and a lot of comments which i knew not to look at. I close the app and slowly lay on the floor whilst looking into the tank.

It's so crazy how only a few weeks ago i was celebrating my 19th birthday with my family on my living room floor. Now i'm here in Barcelona with Neymar Jr, like what?

I knew he had a kind heart, i'd seen his interviews and his posts. But now i'm actually getting to know him as a person, he's so much more than just a kind heart.

He's funny, he's generous, he's supportive, he's literally everything you could ever need in a person. He is perfection. There's not one flaw i could name about him.

I've known him just over a week now and he's one of the purest people i've ever met, and i've met a lot of people. I turn to the bed where he was and smile.

He didn't know who i was, what i was like and yet he's done so much for me. It's hard for me to express to people how much they mean to me. I just hope he understands.

I bring my legs towards me and slowly stand up. I plod back to the bed and gently crawl in under the sheets. Neymar stirs a little so i rub his hand which is next to his head on the pillow and his breathing returns to normal.

I lay next to him and face him, the lights are dim but i cant take my eyes off him. I spend my last minutes awake looking at Neymar before i fall asleep again.


"Bonita, bonita, we need to wake up bonita we've overslept a little." i hear his soft voice wake me up. "Hm?" i say half asleep.

"We've got to go anjo." he says and i feel him grab both my hands and gently stand me up. My eyes finally fully open and i see Neymar stood in front of me.

"Sorry, i had trouble sleeping, what's up?" i ask rubbing my head. "We were supposed to be out by 8 and it's 8:03." he says and suddenly i'm wide awake.

The 19th BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now