Saved By The Devil

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Izuku stood shocked. All Might, his hero, his last strand of hope, just left him. Crushed and on a rooftop. Izuku hadn't stopped crying since All Might left, he felt numb. He walked towards the edge of the rooftop-

"FINE! I'VE HAD IT!!!" Izuku screamed at the top of his lungs. "YOU WANT ME TO DIE WORLD!? FINE HAD YOUR DAMN WISH!!!"

Izuku ran and jumped off the rooftop. He expected to hit the pavement. But instead he was caught by someone. At first he thought a hero had seen and saved him. He was preparing to wave the hero off and jump off the next roof. Izuku looked up, any words he'd planned were caught in his throat.

The Hero Killer- Stain- himself, had saved him. Izuku went wide-eyed. He wanted to screen, to call for help, but he was silenced by his own fear and shock. Stain looked at Izuku, almost sadly-

"Why'd you do it?" The murderous man asked.

"h-hun...?" Izuku was confused. 'Someone... And a murder at that... Cared for him...?'

"I said, why'd you do it?" The Hero Killer repeated. "Why do you want to die?"

"I-I..." Izuku stuttered. He knew better than to talk with the killer, but he seemed to be the only one to care for him at this moment. "I'm q-quirkless. I have no friend, my old childhood friend bullies and even s-suicide baited me! Everyone h-hates me. A-All Might said, I-I couldn't be a hero..."

Stain seemed to freeze at that- 'All Might... The one true hero... nononono! These fakes have even reached him...' Stain had turned his back to Izuku, but when he came out of his small panic attack, he saw the greenette still staring at him. 'Maybe I'm not such a good judge of character afterall...'

Izuku looked at the hero killer, no longer in fear, but confusion- 'Why is he so stunned...?'

"Kid, why'd you want to be a hero?" Stain finally spoke after what seemed like an eternity.

"I-I wanted to h-help others, always with a b-bright smile," The kid had a shaky smile. "I-I don't care about being number one o-or competing with o-other heroes, I j-just wanted to help... I kn-know it's st-stupid. A q-quirkless kid l-like me w-wanting to be a h-hero. I-"

Stain cut the kid off- "Actually that's better than most heroes nowadays..." The killer muttered. "I have another question?"

"Y-yes?" Izuku asked timidly.

"Have you given up on being a hero?"

"I've given up on life at this p-point..." Izuku muttered.

"Well," Stain said. "I've been looking for an apprentice? I've been having close-calls with these fakes, I realize I won't be around forever... Would you like to be my successor? End all these fakes and bring forth an era of new heroes?"

Izuku looked at the killer like he was mad, which Izuku guessed wasn't too far off from the truth. Izuku looked down, as he thought. Stain spoke again-

"You don't have to answer right away. Just come to this address if you decide to join me..." The hero killer gave the kid a piece of paper. Izuku noticed grabbed it midair, as Stain left. Izuku stood up. He held the paper in his hand as he walked home...

Izuku walked numbly to his room. He had a lot to think about. All Might crushed his last hope of being a hero, a murder saved him from suicide. An idea given to him by Katsuki bakugou, his so called- 'childhood best friend' and self proclaimed- 'next #1 hero'.

His life was fucked up enough as it was. And he didn't want to hurt people, he wanted to be a hero! But, Katsuki wanted to be a hero too, and all he'd done for the past decade was curse and beat Izuku up. All Might IS a hero, and he was the driving force behind Izuku attempted suicide, which WAS Katsuki's idea.

"Ugh!" Izuku growled, as he finally dozed off to sleep. Before that though, he muttered- "Why is it the only time something goes right for me, it ends badly anyway?"

'Saved from a villain? I get my hopes crushed. Saved from myself? I am offered a chance to take what I deserve- no! Get revenge.'

"Fuck life..."

The next day, Izuku walked through the halls. He was trying so hard to avoid drawing attention, he missed the foot in his way. He ended up tripping and fell face first onto the floor. Everyone laughed, as Izuku tried to pick up his school supplies.

Some jackass decided to step on Izuku's hand. Izuku grunted in pain. When that didn't satisfy the jerk, he kicked Izuku in the side. Tear fell after that, and the bell rang out. Izuku was gonna be fucking late again...

Izuku rushed to class. He kept his head down, as he walked to his seat. When he finally looked up his saw red flowers on his desk. Izuku's breath hitched- 'Red Spider Lilies' The greenette's mind supplied.

If he had a lower intellect, he might have brushed it off as an apology. But Izuku was smart enough to know what whoever put them there meant- 'Go die...'

Red Spider Lilies, represent death. Izuku realized, most people were scared to cross the line of suicide baiting him, but now that Katsuki had said it. Everyone believed it was free range. And unfortunately, Izuku realization was true.

All day he heard things like:

'Go die!'

'No one wants you here, go jump off the roof!'

'Die Quirkless Scum!'

Izuku hated it. He cried nearly every time he heard it. It hurt him, teachers clearly heard at least a few of the insults. But, as normal, they ignored it. One teacher- his homeroom teacher at that- even smirked every time he heard the insults.

Izuku once again walked home, alone. Crying from his day at school. Izuku sighed, at least he had his mother. Who'd cook him his favorite meal. Who'd love him, maybe not support him, but she at least cared.

Izuku smelled smoke, as he enter his street. Izuku looked to see most of his neighbors' houses burning. Izuku went wide-eyed, 'Nonononono! Mom!!!'

Izuku cried, as he tried to run across the police tap. He was stopped by the pro heroes on scene. Izuku cried as he called out for his mother-

"MOM!!!" Izuku had seen Katsuki and his parents in the crowd. They lived only a few streets over, so of course they'd come to see the commotion, plus his mother was always close with his Auntie Mitsuki.

Izuku realized his cries were hopeless. His mother was dead, if she wasn't she'd have run from the crowd the second she heard or saw him. Izuku ran off, the pro heroes on scene did nothing-

'Death Arms I'm busy with the fires get the civilians out of here!' The fire-fighter hero yelled out.

'I can't if I go in there I'll die before I can save someone!' Death Arms yelled. 'Mt. Lady?' 

'Can't my quirk is useless. The smoke keeps getting in my face up here!'

What was it All Might said to Izuku- 'Heroes must be willing to risk their lives?' Death Arms didn't do that. And Izuku, despite being quirkless, could think of hundreds of ways Mt. Lady and Death Arms could have been effective-

"Both Death Arms and Mt. Lady have quirks that enlarge their hands! They could have used that to part the smoke or direct the fire away from the civilians!"

Izuku cried, as he ran. He had no idea where he was going. His father was in America, his mom was dead, he had no friends, no allies- except- "No, that's crazy!?" Izuku facepalms. "He's a murder..."

'But he saved you...' A voice in the back of his head said quietly. Izuku growled. He must be losing it. "I mean it's him or the foster system. I'd be abused there. At least I know he wants me around." Izuku chuckled dryly, 'Of course the only person who wants a quirkless kid around is a villain... erm anti-hero I guess...'

Izuku took out the piece of paper from his backpack. He looked it over. He read the address and headed in the direction of The Hero Killer's home.

Rabbits Can Be Hunters Too [HERO KILLER DEKU AU]Where stories live. Discover now