Hunting By The Devil

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Izuku sighed, as he recognized the hero Native. Native used the whole 'Native American' theme to boost the sales of his hero merch. After months with Stain, Izuku started to question things, he most certainly wouldn't otherwise.

Like hero merch for example...

Why did heroes need that money, if they were already paid so well? Why have figurines or pillow covers if your main focus should be hostages and the villains? It was all so stupid now that Izuku looked at realistically.

Native only had a second to look up at Stain and Izuku, as they tackled Native. Native grunted in pain, as Stain's blade sliced the pro's side. Native tried to stand to fight, but Stain licked his blade.

This was Native's second encounter with Stain, which meant Native wasn't gonna live. Out of nowhere, however, another person ran in and tried to kick Izuku's teacher-

"STAIN LOOK OU-!?" Stain did a 180, and then sliced the helmet off the blue haired teen.

"A child in a hero costume?" The madman questioned. The boy, Izuku recognized from the UA sports festival as Tenya Iida, Stood growling-

"Blades covering every inch of your body? Scarf red as blood?" The young Iida spoke lowly. "You are the hero killer, Stain! I am here because you injured a great hero! I will never forget you for hurting my brother-" Stain level a sword to the boy's face.

"Be careful of your words, boy," Stain glared at the hero student. "Your eyes hold a thirst for revenge! Remember even you can become my target." Izuku tensed. Stain knew their deal, but Izuku couldn't honestly say Stain would uphold that part of it, if this Iida boy didn't leave soon.


"So be it," Stain sighed. The murderer stab his blade into the shoulder of Iida. Izuku was about to stop his teacher, when Stain turned around to face Native. Then, mouthed something to his student- 'Get the boy out of here. I'll keep our deal, Rabbit.'

Izuku nodded, then turned to Iida. Tenya was shocked to see the hero killer had- what appeared to be- a partner. Iida's rage turned to horror as he saw Stain's blade raised to strike Native. Before the blue haired student could think he yelled out-

"NO! STOP!" Iida cried, his brother would hate him for doing this but- "TAKE ME! NATIVE DOESN'T DESERVE TO DIE!!!"

Stain and Izuku froze. Izuku glanced at the boy on his back, like he was crazy. Stain turned to face the two, and laughed wickedly- "Now that's the type of heroics I expect from a hero!" There was a sick form of joy in the hero killer's eyes. "Rabbit, bring him to me." Izuku hesitated before sighing, Stain did say he would keep his end of their deal.

Rabbit walked over to his teacher. Iida trembled in fear, on his back. Stain nodded, as Rabbit laid Iida on the ground. Iida closed his eyes, expecting a blade to kill him. Instead, he heard Stain speak-

"I have a deal for you," Stain's voice was deep and intimidating. "I will mark you as a true hero and you, along with this hero will be spared." Iida nodded. He had to save Native. Then, his eyes moved, as he saw 'Rabbit' crouch down. Iida felt the cold blade on his back.

"Stain was never going to kill you," Iida's eyes widened in shock. "Native, on the other hand..." Rabbit tilted his head, in what Iida presumed, was Native's direction. "Wouldn't have been so lucky." Iida screemed, as the hero killer's blade carved through his back.

'That will definitely scar over,' Iida thought painfully. Rabbit didn't remove his mask, but Iida could tell from his eyes he was smiling, not a sick smile like the Hero Killer, but a comforting smile and kind smile. Iida cried out in pain, as Stain's blade finished its last cut.

'Rabbit' stood up- "They should be able to move soon. We should go-"

"No," Stain said, as he stiffened. Izuku tensed. Stain got into a battle stance, as Izuku saw some of Endeavor's sidekicks run into the alleyway. "Go," Stain muttered. "Go to *** *** ****. NOW!"

Izuku nodded, if Stain was told him to run, he ran. Stain clearly knew only one of them would be able to escape. The other had to fight. Izuku became Rabbit because of this exact scenario. Izuku would watch the fight on the news later.

Izuku sighed, as he pulled out his cell phone. The phone wouldn't last long, when the hero tracked down Stain's funds, they'd cut his assets. Izuku growled, as he punched in the coordinates into google maps- "A bar...? Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting?"

Rabbits Can Be Hunters Too [HERO KILLER DEKU AU]Where stories live. Discover now