Sunglasses At Night

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Sunglasses At Night

A short story...

In a small town called Felton, the sun was always shining. No, literally. The sun never set. This is why our friend, Charles, was walking the streets at 1 am wearing his favorite sunglasses. He waved to his neighbors and friends. He saw Sarah Bradshaw, the prettiest girl in town in his personal opinion. He stumbled on his own foot and fell, face first, onto the sidewalk in front of Sarah's house, where she was watering her roses. She had watched the event ensue and decided to go see if he was alright...

"Oh my goodness, Charles! Are you alright?" She asked, helping him up from the ground.

"Really, I'm perfectly fine! Just... just clumsy. Thank you." He said nervously, brushing the dirt off of his shirt and slacks.

"I'm glad you're alright... wouldn't want you getting hurt..." She said with a slight chuckle.

Charles wasn't sure why, but he suddenly felt very confident. Confident enough to ask her out...

"Sarah, would you like to go out with me on Friday?" He asked.

Sarah was stunned. This was the moment she had been waiting for, for nearly two years! This was the scenario she had rehearsed a million times in her head and yet, she was speechless...

"Uhh- I-" She stumbled. A smile appeared on her face and Charles almost knew the answer already. "I would be... Delighted to." She finally said.

"So I'll pick you up at 7?" He asked.

"That would be lovely... But, umm, would you like to come inside and maybe have some tea?" Sarah asked. To her delight, he said yes...

*This one was REALLY short. It was a good name though.*

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