A Queen for the King

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A short story...

King Edward VII was looking for a queen...

"You royal highness?" His royal advisor, Alvin, called. "Your majesty?"

"Yes, Alvin..." The king said, slightly annoyed with his advisor who had already suggested 28 ways for him to find a queen today, none of which made any real sense.

"What about a lottery, sire? All the eligible women could simply purchase a ticket and enter their names!" Alvin suggested. This was, by far, the best of his ideas...

"Why, sir. It's brilliant! Alvin has solved our- I mean your problem!" Another of his assistants said.

The king thought for a moment before ultimately deciding, after much debating, that this was, indeed, a good idea!

"Yes! We shall hold a lottery!" The king exclaimed.

A week later, there were young women lined up to purchase a ticket that may guarantee them a life of happiness. All except one... Ally Jenkins was not in the least bit interested in this royal raffle. She was determined that if she was getting married it would be on her own terms and that she would fall in love before marrying the man. Ally stood in a line with her best friend, Emmaline, who was ecstatic to get a chance to marry the new king...

"Em, I really don't understand how you could be ok with this!?"

"Al, I really don't understand how you're not!? Marrying the king? How could you not want a chance like that?!" She pleaded.

Emmaline was convinced if Ally didn't find herself a husband soon, she would become the crazy cat lady next door. Ally wasn't convinced, after all, she was still pretty young. Ally was only 26 and was fine with being single. She wasn't opposed to a relationship either, she was simply waiting for the right guy...

"Whatever Emma. I'm going to get a soda. Find me when you get your ticket!" Ally yelled, running towards the sodas.

She really wasn't paying any attention to where she was going. She walked right into someone, a very attractive someone.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going..." She said, standing back up as the guy she had run into had knocked her over.

"Really, It's just as much my fault. I was distracted. Deepest apologies..." He said. Their eyes met for a brief moment and Ally knew she should introduce herself to him for some reason.

"My name's Ally! Ally Jenkins!" She said extending a hand to shake. To her surprise, he didn't shake her hand, he kissed the back of it...

What the heck was that? She thought to herself. Who kisses a girl's hand anymore? She had to admit though, It was a rather enjoyable experience. She almost wished every guy still did that.

"My name is Edward. A pleasure to make your acquaintance..." He said.

"Edward, like the king?" Ally said. Edward thought about how to answer this. On one hand, he could tell her that he was the king, or, he could just not... He chose the ladder.

"Yes, like the king..." He replied.

"Congratulations, Edward. You've just single-handedly convinced me that chivalry isn't dead!" She returned.

He chuckled a bit. Ally couldn't help but notice that his laugh was contagious. She giggled a bit.

"Well, I'm glad! I don't believe men treat ladies the way they should these days." He said. Ally was astonished by this particular man. He was nothing like any other man she had met. He was kind and well-mannered, not your typical man of this day and age...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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