Ava Evergreen Windsor

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*Third Person P.O.V.*

An Ethiopian wolf was running through the woods, twisting between trees and jumping over logs, before she suddenly leapt onto a boulder and turned around growling. A teenager with raven black hair and startling blue eyes moved forward slowly, a grin on his face as he watched the wolf. He stopped in front of the boulder and watched as the wolf slowly morphed into the shape of a girl. She had dark brown, almost black hair cascading down her back that was dyed purple at the tips and matching brown eyes.

"That was so much fun," she said, looking at him breathlessly.

"Yeah, except I couldn't catch you" he answered with a wide smile on his face as she slid off the rock.

"I'm just too fast for ya" she said smirking as they started walking back through the woods.

He rolled his eyes before grabbing her, hooking her head under his arm.

"Hey! Get off!" she exclaimed, trying to pull her head out from under his arm.

"Not until you tell me who your favorite brother is?" the boy asked teasingly.

"You are" she grumbled before he suddenly let go, making her stumble.

A while later they exited the woods and made their way to a house on the end of the street, slipping quietly inside. They both smiled at each other in relief before a whirl of hair appeared in front of them, looking mad as hell.

"Where have you two been!?" the women yelled looking livid, "it's six in the morning and you two are out running around the woods!?".

"Mum! We were just out walking" the boy said, looking worried. "Ava and I went out to explore the woods, that's all."

The woman looked at them sternly "Joshua Windsor, you are grounded! The same goes for you Ava!" the women said angrily before yelling up the stairs "ANDREW!".

A man slowly came down the stairs, looking tired and half asleep. He had brown hair and blue eyes, his hair matched the girls and his eyes matched the boys. "What's wrong, Ruby?" he asked yawning, before noticing his wife's expression and the two kids out of bed.

"What are you two doing up so early?" he asked, now fully awake.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but her mother shushed her. "These two" she said, gesturing to Ava and Josh "were sneaking back inside after being gone all night!" she finished angrily.

"Mum, Dad." the girl spoke up "Josh and I were just exploring the woods. We didn't do anything" she said, watching her mother.

"Both of you go up to your room. Now!" the women yelled, making the kids immediately race upstairs and into their rooms. The girl headed for the room on the right and the boy headed for the one on the left. As both doors closed you could see the boys door had quidditch posters and the name "JOSH" written across it, while the girls door had famous quidditch stars, books and the name "AVA" written across it.

A while later the boy poked his head out of his room and looked around making sure the coast was clear before tip-toeing across the hall to his sister's room and knocking lightly. She immediately opened the door letting her brother in, before quickly closing it.

"Have you ever seen mum that mad?" she asked, sitting back down in the beanbag chair she'd been in.

"No. And I hope I never have to again." he said, cracking a smile before sitting down in the beanbag across from her.

"Hey Josh?" she said looking at him.

"Yeah?" he said, moving his eyes from the window to her.

"Thanks for coming out with me tonight. It was a lot of fun" she said smiling.

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