Diagon Alley

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*Ava's P.O.V.*

"AVA! JOSH! Time to go!" I heard mum yell up the stairs as I threw on my jacket and bounded down the stairs. "Coming mum!" I said, hopping down the last few steps. I stopped at the last one and smiled at my mother, before Josh came shooting down the stairs knocking us both over.

"Get off me!" I shrieked "I swear if you don't get off me now I'll kill you while you sleep!" I yelled as Josh stood up.

"Sorry" Josh replied sheepishly, not looking the least bit apologetic.

"Come on, kids. Grab some floo powder. Josh, you'll go first." Mum said, as I walked into the living room, Josh right behind me.

I watched my brother grab some floo powder in his hand and threw it onto the fireplace yelling "DIAGON ALLEY!" before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"You next, Ava" Mum said, as I copied my brother, picking up the floo powder in my hand and stepping into the fireplace.

"DIAGON ALLEY!" I yelled clearly, throwing the powder down before disappearing, then reappearing in diagon alley, my brother a few feet away, waiting.

"Joshy!" I yelled into his ear as I jumped on his back.

"Bloody hell, Ava! That's not funny! I told you to stop doing that" he said while trying to get me off his back.

We suddenly heard the click of heels and I hopped off him and turned around as mum walked towards us. "Now, kids" she said "I have some things to get done. So, Ava, Josh, here's all the money you'll need for supplies. Meet me back here in three hours" she said before swiftly walking away, disappearing into the crowd.

"Ok, I'm going to get my supplies and I'll meet you back here in two hours, got it?" Josh asked. I nodded and he smiled at me and started weaving his way towards who knows where.

I looked down at my list for a moment before deciding to head to Ollivanders, "first things first, my wand" I murmured to myself as I made my way to the wand shop.

As I opened the door I saw that no one was inside, except for an old man behind the counter, he looked at me for a moment before coming out from behind the counter. "Ahh, Ava Evergreen Windsor. I've been waiting for you to come to my shop since your brother first did." he said, smiling kindly.

I smiled back at him and said "how do you know my full name?"

"I know many great wizard families and yours is no exception, Miss Windsor. Now, let's find you a wand" he said, handing me a white wand, with small swirls and motioning for me to test it out.

I flicked the wand and a vase near me shattered, surprising me.

"No, no, no." Ollivander said thoughtfully, "definitely not that one" he said before handing me another wand "vine wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ½ inches" he said handing it to me.

I flicked it and a plant behind the counter caught fire. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I yelped as he quickly took the wand from me.

"Wait here" he said as he went into a back room, coming out a few minutes later with a dusty box in his hands.

He opened the box and carefully retrieved a jet black wand "ebony wood with a phoenix core, 13 ¼ inches" he said, placing it in my hands and standing back.

I flicked my wrist once again and a beam of light came from the tip of the wand, taking the shape of a mare before extinguishing.

"Very interesting" he said thoughtfully as he looked at the wand in my hand.

"What?" I asked, confused by his expression.

"Miss Windsor, I remember every wand I've ever sold and no person has ever been chosen by that wand" he said, gesturing to my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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