Chapter 3- Please!

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Chapter 3


After Suigetsu saying lots of times "please", "c'mon" and "She's my friend!" they finally agreed. It didn't really make me feel good, it just kind of made me feel really unwanted. As If they all didn't want me and I was allowed just because Suigetsu.

The red haired girl walked to me. She showed me my room and introduced herself. I also told her a little about myself. The door to her room was just across mine. I thought we could become good friends, she wasn't that bad. She was nice and helpful.

I asked her who that boy with black, spiky hair was and she said it was Sasuke. So that's the person Suigetsu talked lots and lots about! Well, in my eyes, he didn't seem that special. He was just like a normal, boring person.

Karin's cheeks heat up when she talked about him. And it looked like she was a fan of him or something, because all she said about him was how wonderful he was, how cool, how unbelievable, how smart, what a genius he was... It seemed like he didn't have a weak point at all.

After all, I got some peace. I went into my room. It was very basic. A bed, a chair, a night table, a closet. Basically all you need. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just perfect! I liked to keep my room tidy and clean. The thought of untidy, messy rooms makes me stressed.

There was a toilet linked to each of our rooms. Also simple, but I liked it. I jumped into the shower. The warm water ran down my back. It made me relax. Just a perfect way of relaxing.

Afterwards, I pulled on my clothes and went down to the kitchen. It was already evening, and I had not eaten anything after I met Suigetsu. I was hungry!

I made my way through all the long corridors and tried to remember top where the kitchen was. Even though Karin had showed me, I still couldn't remember. I never was one of the people who remember every little detail, and secondly, this whole volcano had lots of corridors, all the same. It was no more than confusing.

I walked and walked. Maybe I walked in circles, but I didn't know. Eventually I began thinking of how hard it would be living here. It would be impossible to remember all this. Just as I was to give up and just get the fact that I was lost there was a shadow at the end of the corridor.

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