Chapter 5 - Mistake

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Chapter 5


One of my biggest mistakes in life is the will of watching scary movies. I always regret afterwards.

The new movie "Shattered" was going to be on TV, and of course all of us in Taka wanted to watch it!

"What is it about?" Suigetsu asked while drinking water.

It was nine o'clock and already dark. The living room was lit by a single light beside the sofa, where everyone sat. Jugo switched to the right channel where the movie was going to be in ten minutes.

Jugo sat on the left, with Karin beside and then Sasuke, me and Suigetsu at the right end of the sofa. Of course Karin just had to sit beside Sasuke and she blushed a cute pink colour.

"It's about a girl's death many years ago because of the house which burnt down. It was burnt down by her lover. She and her lover had a fight before this and shattered a mirror which cut through her lovers skin and got some blood on it, therefore, when the girl was about to die because of the fire, her spirit went inside the shattered mirror.

Later, lots of years after this, someone decided to build a house there. And the house is cursed," Karin explained, irritated by Suigetsu's question.

Suigetsu soon grinned widely, excited by the movie. He always used to love those scary movies, always. He loved those bloody parts and most of all, he loved seeing me shiver. At the moment he was eyeing me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I replied a simple 'yes' and was about to ask him why he asked when I saw that I was shivering. He smirked and said: "You're the old same."

I smirked a little too, thinking of the old times when we watched movies like this together and Suigetsu always laughing at my behavior.

"You haven't changed much either," I replied.

The movie started and it was already very creepy. The house, the weather, the mirror and blood. Already someone was dead, at the very start of this movie. I found my inner self, she was afraid, she wanted to hide and never see this again. It was horrible. It was way too bloody. Blood split everywhere.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Suigetsu asked, looking a little worried.

"Y-yes..." I stuttered.

He laughed a little, then turned his attention back to the movie.

I nervously reached my hand out for some popcorn. Then munched it as slow and silent as I could. This movie was getting really, really gross. I really wonder if I should... Go.

No, I can't be like that. I am no longer that little girl who was afraid of everything, Suigetsu would laugh his head off.

There was a scary scene where the little girl ran into the room and locked the door. The devil was outside smiling, she scratched the door with her nails, drawing lines of blood.

Then, a dark shadow appeared slowly beside me!!!! I blinked and sat totally lame. I was too scared to move or even breath. I looked at that shadow with its hair dangling over its face. It breathed out. I looked at it wide eyed, I couldn't even blink.

Didn't the others notice? I couldn't risk to turn my head around, I had to look at it. 'Help!' I begged inside me. No one heard me, it seems like.

Then laugher was heard. Suigetsu's laugher. The shadow fell onto the floor and clinched its stomach to stop the laugher, but couldn't. A part of me was relieved while another part boiled with anger.

"That *gasp* look... It was *haha* price *laugh* less!" He said while laughing hysterically.

That was it! I jumped upon him and was to punch him, but he ran away. Screw the movie, I'm going to kill him!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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