Tell Your Sons - Mysogyny, Sexism

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Tell your sons that simply because they are male,
They hold no authority over young women
That they have no right to say anything to another person
“Oh she’s hot, she should be dating me.”

Tell your sons that the saying “boys being boys”
Should not be a motto in their life.
Should not have control over their lives in any way.
That the saying shouldn’t have any reason for them to cat call girls

Tell your sons that playing football isn’t the only thing making them a man
That masculinity isn’t just them being a playboy having girls on them 24/7
That them being toxic to a young female isn’t okay for their mental health
That being mean to others won’t help them get anywhere in life

Tell your sons that no matter what they will be accepted.
That no matter their sexuality you will still love them no matter what.
That no matter what they have happen to them you will still care
That if they need a place to stay for the night your door will be open

Tell your sons that just because a female feels good in her own body
wearing short, revealing clothes, that he has no right to touch her without her consent.
That no means no.
That if they have no permission to touch young women, then they shouldn’t

Tell your sons that females will take no interest in them when they treat her like garbage.
Like they can just throw her away and pick her back up when they want her.
That they should try to get a girl flowers on valentines day, or remembering a birthday isn’t. That. hard.
That doing the basic things for a girl, means that they shouldn’t be “the best boyfriend” the girl will ever have.

Tell your sons that remembering the birthday of a girl not in his family is encouraged.
That getting a girl a gift for no reason other than to make her smile is a thing.

Tell your sons that telling someone they care about them won't make them seem weak.
That writing someone a note for a holiday isn’t going to make them seem girly.
That helping someone on the street is doing something good.

Hihi, author here. This one is, you guessed it, about misogyny & other problems. It's about a lot of other things, and I wanted to target some of them, ex. Toxic masculinity, ect. Honestly as I'm writing these and posting them, I'm realizing how close these hit to reality. And I'm soon going to realize that maybe- these changes can't happen. But some people could help point it in the right way you know? Anyway thank you for reading! I hope you like my stuff, and hope you stick around.

Wc: 464

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