Chapter 2

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The boy knows that he could never escape from Tom Lee, he knows that he would be severely punished for running away. Being alone in a cold place without treatment was just the beginning of his punishment, he will probably finish with broken bones, some scars and starved.                                                                                                                           He is in a big bird cage, his freedom is restricted, only used to please his owner. He is sure that his death would be pitiful an painful. He only deserves it for all the lives he took, he's a mercenary after all. The meaning of this job is to kill or to be killed, he never wanted it, Tom Lee forced him because his love for money is incredibly huge.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door's sound, a big ray of light appeared reveling a pretty young man. The man straightened when he saw the boy laying on the ground his right side completely burned. His fists tightened but after a few seconds he walked towards the teenager. 

"Hey, you alright kid ?" he ask with a soft and gentle tone 

"get lost" respond coldly the younger to the elder

"*sight* listen kid your boss told me to bring you to him, what I'm gonna do, but just by the sight of your state I can tell that you're not able to walk or to handle what he's gonna inflict you. So could you please be obedient so you won't waste energy ?" say the taller annoyed.

"Fuck off, you stupid dog ! Go wag your tail to Tom Lee and leave me alone !" scream the boy to the blond one.

"Listen, as your future colleague I don't want to start with bad basics with you. All I want to is to gain enough money for my family" he says with an edgy face.

"Fuck family, it only use to show a fake side to society. It will betray you and stab you in the back !" Growl again the young boy.

"... what's your name kid ?" ask sadly the man

"Don't have one..." whisper the black haired.

"Tom Lee must have gave you a code name right ?" say the man with a smirk on his lips.

"Tcheh, you know a lot for someone who's not a part of the organization, my 'name' is Aarick"

"The one who rules alone hmm. Sound like something he could give" say the man smiling.

"Who even are you ? Nobody knows that freakin' rule except if you work here but you aren't" ask the boy named Aarick.

"As I just said Im just some newbie who just wants to prove to Mr.Carpenter that he can be useful"

"Jeez you sound like a highschool girl whit her crush..." he says with a disgusted face.

"Maybe I should just leave you rotting here..." the blond says with a stern face.

"And what's your name anyway ?" He frowns, slightly annoyed.

"I'm Pablo Picasso" He says with a straight face 


"...not funny ?"

"Fuck off and go eat dog shit" Aarick rolls his eyes annoyed and pissed by the clown in front of him "So, what's your name ?"

"I'm Aleks ! A-L-E-K-s" he spells to the child

"Your parents really must to hate're sure you aren't a cracked condom ?" He asks not ashamed at all

"Shut up and come with me brat" he pouts and carries Aarick in his arms, leading him to Tom Lee's office

"PUT ME DOWN ASSHOLE ! I CAN WALK !" He yells, while struggling in his arms

Bruh, I totally forgot that it existed...

(I'm dying of cringe, the fuck is that scenario ???)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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