Chapter 4: Trust?

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Date: July 21st, 2oxx
Time: 9:09 am
Location: 5th Avenue,New York City,USA

Third Person PoV:

The five demon men have accommodated themselves in the apartment,having a secret room in a wall in the kitchen area. Amitola marked where the entrance in so she knows where it is.

Speaking of the girl,she wasn't home,which none of the guys knew if she was or wasn't home. Shiva walked out of the base and started looking around for said girl but his search could only slowly make him spiral down into panic when he couldn't find traces of the human female.

The short demon could only search and keep rechecking the places he checked in a sense of panic that was interrupted by the other four demons walking out while yawning and stretching.

Akel was the first to speak up. "Shiva,what's going on? Why do you look panicked?" The smaller male could only run over and hug Akel with tears streaming down his face from the panic.

"Shiva calm down! What's wrong?" Draven was the second to speak,only to have short sobs come from the male hugging the demon prince who looked very uncomfortable. "A-Amitola's gone..!!!! She isn't here...!!"

All four taller males could only freeze from the news coming from the shorter crying male. Nephilim and Gryphon started to search around while Draven was trying to pry Shiva off from Akel who could only cringe from the physical touch.

Time: 1:30 pm

A sound of the door being unlocked,opened and then closed and locked again was heard from the front door. A couple footsteps were heard going into the kitchen along with the sound of keys being hung up and bags placed on the countertop. All five demons slightly peeped their heads out to see who it was who walked into the apartment.

They couldn't see well because of how they were hidden,they were trying to find a way to peep without being seen until a familiar voice was heard.

"Alright. That should be this week's groceries. At least for a house with like...10 people...- Maybe this time they don't eat everything in the fridge..." Shiva ran out and hugged the female with tears streaming down his face.

"Where were you?!?!?! We've been looking everywhere for you..!!" Shiva sobbed as the other males walked out and surrounded the girl who looked confused but found their concern heartwarming. Ami smiled which slightly surprised the four demons before she hugged Shiva who kept crying.

"I appreciate the concern from all of you....I really do,but I was just out getting groceries." This confused them,it even ceased Shiva's crying. There was silence until Gryphon broke it,usually he isn't the one to break the silence,but there's always a first time for everything,right?

"Yes.- groceries are things you get at a store..- like food,personal use things,cleaning supplies and so on."

This seemed to clear the five's doubts and questions. They've been on Earth for three weeks and a couple of days,they still have to get used to their customs,traditions and habits. Good habits,not bad ones.

".....Why were you gone for so long? What were you doing before getting groceries?"
"...I was at work. Working. Luckily my boss is nice enough to let me work from home. Which means ill be gone for a couple of hours during the morning,about 7 am till 11 am and if I have things to buy expect me to come back like today. Usually grocery shopping takes longer if it's to restock things here,but if it's like a week's worth of food then it shouldn't be too long."

The demons n0dded,finally understanding. Amitola will be gone every now and then during the morning and come back around midday or early in the afternoon. Nephilim looked at the bags and tilted his head. That somehow made Ami remember that she needs to put the groceries away so she let go of Shiva and started doing so. All five demons watched the human move around quickly and efficiently,grabbing things and putting them away as swiftly as she grabbed them.

After 10-20 minutes,everything was put away neatly. It amazed the demons how a mess can be cleaned up quickly without using any magic. It baffled them. Draven looked at each shelf with an amazed expression,Shiva was watching Amitola who had a proud expression on her face for putting away everything so neatly and swiftly,Gryphon was silently praising her and Akel and Nephilim were both sharing the same confused expression.

".......How...did you put....everything neatly......without....magic?" Nephilim spoke,making Ami look at him confused for a moment before it clicked in her head.
'Well you's called being taught at a young age to do things for yourself when your parents are barely in your life." This only confused him more,but it did perk up Draven's interest.

"What do you mean 'when your parents are barely in you life'?" The five of them looked at the female,waiting for her to answer. But no answer came from the girl as she stood there,slightly shocked by the question. It was expected to have a question asked but she didn't think it would be about her parents.

".....My...parents...were always busy. They would never make time for me ever since I was born. Because they were rich and famous,I go raised by maids who taught me the basics of everything. The news of my existence never went public. The whole world thinks my parents are a childless couple and there isn't any heir for their fortune. It's funny when you think about it. They never showed up for anything. What makes one think they'd show up now?"

The girl had her hands balled up into fists as she held back the tears. The five men looked at her with small looks of concern and shock. There was an uncomfortable silence until out of nowhere Akel grabbed Ami and hugged her which shocked the girl and the other four demons.

"Wh...what are you..-"
"Shut up."
"....." Ami hugged him back. Akel started speaking again.
"You're not the only one with neglectful parents. The one who raised me was my grandmother. She always told me to be myself and be careful with others. My parents were never around,my mother is dead and my father only wants me to rule the kingdom."

Ami could only feel bad for the demon prince. Her grip on him tightened as he went to let go,but she wouldn't let him. It confused him,humans were so complicated. But then someone else hugged him,he turned to look and saw Shiva hugging him. He was about to say something and felt another person hugging him,and then another,and another. Turns out,the other four also felt bad and wanted to comfort him,so they imitated the human female.

No one spoke,no one moved.

It was peaceful.

It was calming.

It felt trustworthy..

Like if.....he could trust this moment just this once.

A/N: Thank you for reading the story so far. I've actually been open to the idea of writing x readers so go on and put your requests down below! Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon/morning! <3
Word count: 1245

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