Chapter 3: Lost Dream

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A couple of days later.

"Mark said you wanted to speak to me," I said to Jungkook over the phone as I prepared for the new launch of my company. Currently, designers were running around the building to make sure that the wedding dress for the princess in Saudi Arabia would be perfect. My job now was to make sure that not only was this dress perfect but that it would make it to Saudi Arabia, if not none of my team gets paid.
"MsY/L," one of the designers approached me. I removed my phone from my ear telling Jungkook to wait for a moment. "Yes?" I turned to the young designer.

She fiddled with her fingers. This must be her first big project, I remember when I first started working. I had a boss once too and I was always nervous to speak to him. Never knowing what to say or what would piss him off. This right here, the nervousness would give him power. He knew he was on top just like I am now. It makes you powerful in the eyes of people like her. The young designer who still has hope her dreams would come true. And me the boss who could take it away. I could take advantage of my power over her, but I wouldn't.

Her eyes didn't meet mine. She kept then looking towards the ground. "" she began stuttering. I cleared my throat waiting for her to get to the point. "Um..." she said again. At this point, I was waiting for her to collapse. I sighed checking my watch, I was becoming impatient. "Well..." she began again. I put my phone back to my ear, "Jungkook let me call you back" I hung up the phone putting it back in my pocket.

"The faster you tell me this the faster we move," I said, "There is work to be done. You want to be a designer?" she lifted her head nodding. I shrugged "Well then fashion is all about confidence, look me in my eyes and tell me what you need. Do you want to be a big shot one day? Look people in their eyes and demand what's yours. The people aren't below you, they are right in front of you. So tell me what you need" I said the girl swallowed, hard.

She stood up straight pushing her shoulders back. "We need an extra day to work on the dress. It's almost done but we want to make sure it is perfect, we are willing to pay extra for the space" she said without skipping a beat.
I nodded thinking about her and her team's request. Calling Mark over I asked him to show me tomorrow's schedule. Once we were done looking over the iPad he bowed walking away.

"It's your lucky day, I don't have much to do until the evening. However no extra days after this, this dress needs to be done by tomorrow so I can pay my staff. If not you will have to pay me anyway and you will not see a dime. Understand?"
she nodded bowing then walked away with the new information.

"Mark set a reminder for nine o'clock tomorrow morning. The team is gonna have to come again tomorrow" Mark walked next to me holding the iPad in his hand. Pushing his glasses further up his face he tapped away on the large screen with his pen. "Okay. I'll email you the new schedule for this week and next week. I should have the rest of your schedule for the next six months emailed to you by the end of the following week" I nodded as we exited the building. Walking out towards the door, Mark quickly moved in front of me holding the door. He followed behind me when it closed. He quickly moved past me again once I got close to my car. Stepping in front of me onto the curb holding the car door open. I thanked him, sitting inside the vehicle. He sat next to me shutting the door behind him.

"Where are we going?" he asked his face lighting up from the iPad. "You don't have anything planned until later," He said turning his head towards me. I shrugged laying back on the black leather seats. I took my sunglasses off and placed them above my head.
"Out for lunch, I'm starving" I confessed holding my stomach. "I haven't eaten anything all day," I said sighing.

Usually, I get so wrapped up in whatever project I'm working on I forget to eat or sleep. It's not something to be proud of, but sometimes I can't help it.
I get so caught up in my work and all I can think about is finishing it and moving on to the next thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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