|•|Winner (Special Category)|•|

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Our winners of our award book

(Note: I already announced the winners of every genre and these are the winners as overall so please don't get confused those and these both people are winners.)



My Last days of silence

Every judges have given you, very good marks almost full in every category, but just you have to work on front view eg. Cover.


You did a great job you mostly get 9 marks in everything but you just need to improve your front view and consistency of work, like sometimes you story goes off beat.

|💙|1st Runner-up|💙|


The Chronicles of Annora

All the judges are impressed with you you just need to improve your grammar and writing skills although you got almost 9 in everything.

|💙|2nd Runner-up|💙|


Overall your story was good but there is a scope of improvement in creativity and presentation.


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