My Wizard

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The minute I saw him, I knew I wanted him … I mean wanted him to be my wizard. 

Oh, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I am a demon. I go by the name of Rain for mixing with the human world. I don’t have a true name, our true names are given by our wizards and I have never had one. To be honest I never wanted one before I met him. I have always been completely happy going about my business on my own. The business of creating mischief and wrecking havoc. I didn’t need to be a wizard’s familiar. To be honest, I always thought that demons that gave into wizards so easily were idiots. Who wanted to be restricted like that?

That was all before I saw him. After that I knew what I wanted and it’s only him. I just needed to figure out how to get him to accept me, because, while demons choose the wizard, the wizard still has to agree to name the demon.

The first time I saw him, it was at a faculty mixer. I don’t think I have mentioned that when I am not busy causing mischief and havoc, I am a freshman architecture student in my spare time. Since demons don’t need sleep I had plenty of that.

I knew from the beginning that he was a wizard, although his peers and juniors seemed completely unaware of the fact. As my friend and fellow demon/architect student Sky likes to say, humans only see what they want to. 

I couldn’t help but to stare at him the entire time I was at the mixer, he was that handsome. I didn’t think he was aware of me at all at the time. It wasn’t until later that I found out he had been aware from the beginning, in fact he knew about me before the party. A demon that, in his opinion, needed taming and controlling. Ugh, as if.

Now some demons, Sky for instance, have the power to instantly travel from one spot to another by thought, but my powers don’t work like that. Therefore, I drive an older model BMW. I admit that some human things I don’t get, and car maintenance happens to be one of them. So when my car wouldn’t start after the party, I was at a loss as to what to do or who to call. In my frustration, I accidentally banged my head against the steering wheel causing the horn to sound.

The tapping on my window caused me to look up into a pair of beautiful eyes. It was him. My wizard, as I had already begun to think of him. I quickly rolled down the window.

“Is something the matter, I heard the horn?” He asked innocently. I admit I was taken in, I had no idea at the time just how crafty this wizard could be.

“My car won’t start. Can you help me please?” I asked, doing my best to focus. I lost that battle when he leaned close to me to look at the dashboard and I accidentally turned my head to find his face just inches from mine. Why did his eyes seem like pools that I would happily drown in? And those lips, I wanted to know how they would taste.

I turned my head quickly away, trying to control my breathing. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear, “If you’re trying to seduce me, little demon, try harder next time.”

I couldn’t help but to turn my head back to read his face. So he did know! I wasn’t sure what he meant though, I hadn’t been trying to seduce him. It’s true that I did want him to be my wizard but I didn’t know how to go about that. I couldn’t be seductive if my life depended on it. Again some demons are lucky enough to have that power, I am just not one of them.

You might be wondering by now what powers I do have. Well I am an empath, I can read human and some wizard emotions. For some reason, this wizard’s emotions seemed closed off to me. At the time I thought it was just because he was so powerful. 

As a side note, I also have the power to attract animals and have them do my bidding, I especially love cats. They are like chaotic furry little demons themselves. Sky once called me the Disney Princess of the demon world.

Wizard Phayu and Demon RainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora