Sky's Story

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Hello it's me again demon extraordinaire Rain Noeul Lee, wow how I love saying that name.

It's been one month since P'Phayu accepted me as his familiar and it's been the happiest month of my long life. Sky says it's absolutely disgusting for a demon to be so happy. I can't help it though when my wizard is the coolest, most handsome, best wizard that ever existed.

Also, just between you and me, the sex is incredible, I just can't get enough of my wizard. Sex between a Wizard and a bonded familiar is already good, but when you are an empath as well you get double the pleasure, literally.

So while my life is all sunshine and daisies, I am worried about Sky. I have mentioned Sky in passing but I haven't really told you anything about him, except that he is a demon/architect student like myself and that he has the power of fast travel.

I think for me to properly tell you about Sky, I have to go back a bit to when we first met 400 years ago.

I had been hearing rumors for weeks that there was a new demon in the area, back then there weren't so many of us and a new demon was a really big deal.

"Apparently he was under the control of a bad wizard named Gun," my friend Sig told me. I frowned at this, bad wizards were rare. I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for a demon controlled by one. Unlike being a familiar, being tamed and controlled took away our free will. "The wizard council arrested the wizard but concluded that the demon was innocent of all charges. So they freed him of Gun's control and let him start a new life."

I thought it sounded as if this demon would need a friend and who better than yours truly. So I set out to find him. Sig said he thought he was staying at a house near the next village over, but I couldn't exactly knock on every door to ask if they had a demon in residence so I decided to put my power to use. I called on woodland animals and even birds to explore the area and report back any likely candidates.

It took almost three weeks but finally they found the one that I was sure was the demon Sig had mentioned. The trip would have taken a human at least a week, but since I don't sleep and don't get tired I made it in four days, it could have been less but I was easily distracted by all the cute animal friends I met along the way.

The small house was literally in the middle of no where. It was almost as if the demon wanted to keep everyone away. Surely he wouldn't be opposed to having a friend right?

He was in his front yard, tending a small garden when I arrived. Needless to say he looked surprised to see me.

I waved cheerfully to him, "Hi, I came to find you," I gave him my best smile, "I don't have a name but you can call me Rain."

He gave me an odd look then simply said "no" and walked into his house shutting the door behind him.

Luckily I am not one to be deterred easily. I just sat down on his front step and called some squirrels to pass the time with. At one point I was pretty sure I could feel him watching me from a window but I didn't turn my head to look. He was like a shy animal, he just needed time to decide that he wanted to be my friend. I could stay here for days if necessary, I had snacks.

It wasn't days though, it was the next morning when he came out again. I hadn't moved from my spot although the squirrels had eventually gone to their homes to sleep. I was visited by a few bats that night. Bats are so adorable.

He came out and sat on the step next to me, "You aren't leaving are you?" He asked.

"Nope, I came to be your friend." I answered smiling.

"You don't know me, how do you know you want to be my friend? Maybe I won't be a good friend."

"Not just a good friend, you're going to be my best friend." I declared with confidence and I really did sense that.

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