Chapter 23: Heaven or Las Vegas

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Bruno's POV
2 months later

I was starting at my phone, while sitting in the car with Phil. We were on our way to the airport. All of the guys were laughing and joking around, but I couldn't take my eyes off of this picture of Anastasia.

"Yo Bruno? Why you so quiet?" Jamareo said.

"That nigga is hella quiet." Kameron said agreeing.

"I'm fine guys, I'm just thinking about something."

"Oh shit, y'all know every time that nigga says he's thinking it has something to do with pussy." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Oh shit, nigga. Look at his face." Kameron said.

"Will you guys cut it out?!" I said in a frustrated tone.

"Is this about that girl that you had living with you and shit and she just disappeared?" John said referring to Anastasia. Nobody really knew what went down except for Phil. He peered at me from behind his large rimmed glasses.

"Guys cut the shit, alright. Let's just get to Las Vegas and focus on making this money." Phil cut in to the guys' interrogation so that they would stop prying so hard.

"I'm down with that."

"Fuck yeah. It's all about the Benjamins."

"Ain't nothing more important than the moolah."

I smiled at the comments and went back to looking at Anastasia's photo. I tried to find her when she left. She used to call me every other day. They were short phone calls. They got shorter and shorter and then one day I was talking to her and I heard some type of commotion. Like a scuffle. It burned me up to think that she was with Frankie.

When I tried to find him, it said that there was no record of him. He never existed. All of the information he'd given to Happy Hills was falsified. After a month, Phil convinced me to forget about her. Or at least to try. I put everything on the line for her and I just couldn't earse the girl out of my memory, even if I wanted to.

When we got to the airport we all got out of the car and grabbed our bags. We were going to take a jet to Vegas to perform in Rock in Rio. When we were first asked I made sure that the guys were rehearsing everyday. I was kind of nervous about performing since I haven't been on tour for a while. I was a little rusty.

We all go on the jet and packed our luggage up.

"Vegas baby, Vegas! Turn up!" The guys were excited but I couldn't celebrate with Anastasia all in my mind. I just want to see her once.

When we all got settled on to the plane, I grabbed a drink from the fridge. Phil came up behind me. "Hey Bruno."

"What's good Phil?"

"Listen man it's been two months. You gotta stop doing this to yourself."

"Easier said than done."

"Come on man. You should at least try to have fun when we get out to Vegas. I know you loved her, but you lost her. You lost her and you have no way of finding her. You tried and it's time to just give this whole thing a rest."

I nodded my head. Phil patted my shoulder and I sat down in my chair. I started sipping on my drink, just nursing it until I we got there. I just wanted to forget about everything for a second and relax. I took a deep breath and leaned back against my chair, falling asleep with the words Phil had instilled in me.


When we finally got to the airport, we were mobbed by dozens of fans. They were clamoring for my autograph along with everyone else's. After the guys and I signed all we could get got in another limo and headed to this hotel called the Montreal Towers.

It was a new hotel, but we'd heard good things so we decided to test it out. When we pulled up the guys immediately flew out of the car leaving their bags with the bell hop. Even Phil ditched me. I guess they were really excited to be here. Well they better not play around too long, we have rehearsals and then the show.

I got the keys to our rooms and headed to mine. I headed to the elevator and quickly got in before the doors closed. I was shocked when I saw that I wasn't the only person in there.

On the other side of the elevator there was a girl. All I could see was her lower half because she was holding a gigantic newspaper in front of her face.

She was wearing a black one piece with the sides cut out and she had black pumps on her legs looked sexy. From behind that newspaper I could see her hair. It was golden blonde with platinum highlights. It was so curly.

I decided to test the waters with this one, I mean maybe Phil was right maybe I should move on.

"Excuse me miss." I said.

She didn't say anything, she waved her hand to say hello.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"You already are talking." Her voice was odd. It seemed familiar.

"Why are you being so cold? I just want to see your beautiful face." I said trying to use my charm. She lowered her newspaper and folded it up. She tucked it under her arm. When I got a glimpse of her body I she was wearing a chanel body chain. She had her nails paink light pink with the letters XO written on then. Her lips were painted red. She had on a black kimono to cover her backside and man did she have a lot of it. Her ass was big and I loved curves.

She bent her head down to take off her sunglasses and when she looked up at me... I swear to God my heart stopped. How could I have been so stupid? The hair, the legs, the sound of the voice it was...

"Anastasia?" She gave me a worried look and looked around frantically.

"Ana wait a second!" She shuffled around the elevator frantically. She started pushing the button to her floor. "Wait! Ana please talk to me I missed you!" She continued to press the buttons. I grabbed her arm and turned her toward me.

"I've been looking for you for months and when I finally find you, you don't even say anything?! Ana!" she looked at me with watery eyes.

"Bruno stop." she said through her teeth without moving her lips. "I'm so glad to see you, but I can't talk to you here. There are cameras in this elevator." She pulled away from me and the elevator doors opened. She walked out and stamped down the hallway. I held my chest as all the emotions began to hit me.

I finally saw her. She'd been here this whole time, but...

Why was she so concerned about the cameras? Who was watching?

Hello everyone! I'm sorry that this chapter is so short and I haven't been able to post in a while because of prom and my graduation is going to be on June 5 then my birthday is on June 7. I'm super excited. So guys, I want your feedback and I want you to let me know if you don't like the story.


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