💚❤️The Morning After❤️💚

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Kaveh POV:


Ughhh.. I hate Saturday mornings.. why's it so bright? Weirdly enough I can tell even though I haven't even opened my EYES yet. Whats with Alhaitham putting the blinds up before IM awake?? Does he have no respect for how I wish to wake I the mornings??!? I sit up and rub the drool off my face.. my mouth and throat is dry.. ugh, did I snore again? My head hurts too.. shit, must've drunk to much with Tighnari and Cyno last night.

I stood up half awake to go and shut the blinds. Even if im not going back to sleep, I don't NEED TO BE BLINDED?? The audacity..
"tsk.. stupid scribe.." I muttered.
"Wow, not even a good morning?" I heard his voice behind me.
I SHOT AROUND.. AND HE WAS SITTING ON THE BED THE WHOLE TIME?? WTF?!? Then why did he put the stupid blinds up??!?

"Seems you had some fun last night." Alhaitham smirked.
"Not really.. Cyno and Tighnari just made out all night, they had to be doing it on purpose.. NOBODY could be THAT romantic!?" Even with what I said, sometimes I wish me and Alhaitham had what they did.
"People can be when they don't have to disturb others and pay rent at the right time." Alhaitham rolled his eyes slightly.
"OH? Well if you gave me TIME to pay it, perhaps I COULD! My schedual is on the wall of my office?! Just check it if you need to know when im available." I complained back.
"Well, in regards of all of that, while were having breakfast, may we have a talk about something? I believe it'll do you good." Haitham said, he grabbed his book and headed to the kitchen.

HE DIDNT EVEN LET ME ANSWER?? Well.. if its for my own good, I suppose I CAN take a listen. Ugh, I don't wanna walk, my whole body feels like shit.. in fact I don't think I can eat breakfast. Unless its Alhaithams pancakes, as much as I hate him and his stupid plump and round ass, they're fucking amazing. I sat down at our kitchen table, luckily its right near a window so the table was always warm. I couldn't help but lay my head on it, considering the throbbing in my head.

                                                               5 minutes later

"Hey, come on now. More sleep isn't going to help that hang-over of yours, you know?" After I heard that, I felt a book WHACK me on the head.
"OW??- ow-" I sat back up, and who else then Alhaitham to be the jerk to do that.
"Yeah, and HITTING ME IN THE HEAD WITH A BOOK isn't gonna help it either?!?" I said, crossing my arms.
"Hm, well then, will this do it?" Alhaitham slid me a plate of panca- WAIT HOLY SHIT, HIS FAMOUS PANCAKES?? LETS FUCKING GO!! My hand started slightly stimming and shaking the table, Alhaitham seemed to notice, because he started doing it to.. heh cute. I put my hand under the table, and IMMEDIATLY digged into the pancakes he made!

"Sho- *ahem* scuse me, So, what did you want to talk to me about again?" I said, with my mouth stuffed.
"Well first, swallow. Then I'll chat." He gave me a look as If I kicked a baby.
"Alright alright." I swallowed. "There, now will you talk?"
"I will, yes. So, when I picked you up from Lambards Tavern last night. Tighnari told me something, that picked up my attention." He started.
"Mhm? What? Did he tell you since its February its his mating season?"

"What? Thats what he told me, WHY be so surprised???" I don't understands what he means, that's the only thing I heard! Well, before going black out drunk..
"THATS- *ahem* pardon. Thats not what I mean. Tighnari gave me advice on how we could.. quit bickering." He looked right at me.
"He did? Thats weird..??" Alhaitham just kept GAZING at me.
"He said stuff about how I should stop criticising you, when all you want to do is communicate." Wait WHAT, how would Tighnari know any of this?
"Because it wasn't his Advice. It was what you wanted." Alhaitham calmed his expression. What I wanted? Shit, was I drunk rambling again? I mean, I suppose its true. I didn't have any words so I just stayed silent.

Even with my silence, Alhaitham could see right through me.
"I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but, I just need to know if those thoughts are true or not." He sipped his coffee and awaited an answer. What was I meant to say? I don't want to say its the truth, that'll be to awkward, and he'll probably just call me sensitive again. I don't think I have any choice, ugh, fine, I'll just own up.
"Yes, I'll admit, those thoughts were true. BUT, they're not uhh.. TRUE TRUE, besides! Probably just my hmm.. drunk rambling!?" I quickly ate another pancake trying to avoid any discussion. Although I could see it on his face, he knew what I was trying to do.. ugh, stupid scribe.
"So, your admitting its true, then denying it because you were drunk? I hope you do realise ones drunken words, are ones thoughts, I took time out of my day to sit and chat to you about it, don't avoid discussion. You wish for time like this, with any communication, so take the chance." Alhaithams expression didn't change, even with his words.. it felt oddly comforting, he was right, I wanted this, so why am I avoiding?

I was about to answer, when I suddenly felt HEAVILY NAUSEOUS. CRAP SHIT, SHIT CRAPPLES. I QUICKLY STOOD UP AND DASHED TO THE BATHROOM, LEANING OVER the toilet. Alhaitham followed behind, I assume he knew what was about to happen. I felt the puke hit the top of my mouth, Alhaitham stood behind, holding my hair back as I chunked up last nights wine and GOD KNOWS what ELSE. I finally finished exiling half my weeks waste of food, checking the bowl, EW. IT WAS SO COLOURFUL- Why the hell am I even CHECKING my vomit colour?!?

"Was that the rest of it? How do you feel? Any more or less Nausea?" Alhaitham sounded.. CONCERNED?? Either he's sick, or this is an Alien who's replaced Alhaitham. I just nodded in response.
"idiot.. is that a yes to which question?" He let go of my hair and handed me a towel to wipe my mouth. I wiped the puke off the sides of my lips.
"Oh right yeah- Im feeling much better. NO nausea!" I stood and threw the towel in the sink beside us.
"Now, I don't want you saying anything. But, I believe some changes need to be made around here." Alhaitham took my hand and guided us both back to the table. HOLY SHIT HIS HANDS ARE BONY AND VEINY GOD DAYUM. But they're very cold.. LIKE INSANLY, he needs to get his blood pressure checked out.

"So, first change. Our attitude towards eachother."
"Pfft, 'OUR'."
"Yes, Kaveh. OUR. Now, secondly. I will check your timetable to see when's best for you to pay rent."
"And, from your drunken request. I will try my best, to involve myself nicer in our relationship." As he said it he stared into my eyes. I nodded in response. Just then, my phone BUZZED like C-R-A-Z-Y. It was my alarm, one of my projects needed to be handed in.

"Oh crap- Sorry Haitham, im late for one of my Architectural hand-in's." I said, going to my office and grabbing my blueprints. Fuck, I hope they don't reject my work like LAST time.. like seriously?? Bastards. I walked back out, grabbing my keys for the 1st time this week. I walked up to Alhaitham, he was standing there just watching me rush.
"BYE HAITHAMM!! I'll be back home soon!" I said, patting him on the shoulder. He only smiled lightly and nodded. Wow rude no goodbye back. I exited the front door and waved. Man, my head hurts.


💚❤️Kavetham Oneshots❤️💚Where stories live. Discover now