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I had been walking with my friends. It was a cool, rainy day and we were bored since my parents and older brother weren't home, so we decided to take my dog for a walk.

"Isn't it relaxing?" Puck asked as we walked down a path that led to the woods. "Yeah, sure." Santana said, sounding bored. "Yeah. It's kinda romantic, huh Finn?" Rachel said, clinging onto his arm.

"Yeah. What about you El? Don't you find it relaxing?" Finn asked me. "Y-yeah. S-sure." I said, looking at the ground as we walked. "What's the matter El? Miss your boyfriend?" Will teased. "Yeah, actually I do." I told him.

I had been dating Carl for almost a year until we got separated a few weeks prior because of the governor. I had been constantly trying to find Carl, Rick, the others and the party, but it wasn't working, so in my mind, I just assumed they were dead.

We were walking, when suddenly there was a sound that sounded like a gunshot. "What was that?" Rachel asked. "I don't know." Puck replied.

"Gunshot." I stated. "What?" Tina asked, confused. "I-it was a gunshot." I told them. "How exactly do you know that?" Sam asked. "Sam, it's because Hop is a cop. El and Will know what gunshots sound like because of Hop. Right guys?" Puck said. "Yeah." I replied.

Everyone continued to walk, when I thought I heard something in a bush next to me. I looked next to me and saw nothing. "El, you coming?" Santana asked, noticing I stopped walking.

"Yeah, I thought I heard something." I told her, catching up to the group. I started walking by Will, when suddenly, Brittany got a call on her phone.

"Who is it, Britt?" Santana asked her. "It says unknown number." She said. "It's probably a scammer. Don't answer it." Puck told her. "Yeah, okay." Brittany replied.

Thunder rolled as the rain started to get a bit harder. I pulled my hood higher around my head as we walked.

About a minute or so after Brittany's phone rang, Rachel's rang. It also said unknown number. We thought nothing about it and thought it was just a coincidence.

We walked for a few more minutes, when suddenly my own phone rang. At this point, we all thought it was Joyce or Hop, so I decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered. "Hello Eleven." A voice said. It sounded like the voice from scream. I figured it was Johnathan, so I said, "ha ha, very funny, Johnathan." I then hung up the phone.

"Was it Johnathan?" Will asked me as I put my phone back into my back pocket. "P-probably." I told him. "What do you mean, probably?" Blaine asked me. I turned to Will.

"W-Will, it sounded like ghostface from Scream. He knew my name Will." I told him. "El, it's okay. It was probably someone from school or something trying to scare you." Will comforted me. "O-okay. I said, feeling less scared.

As we walked however, I felt someone watching me again. I decided to ignore it, until at the same time, everyone got a notification.

We all looked at each other, then down at our phones. What I saw sent shivers down my spine. It was a picture of all of us. It showed us walking about a minute before we all got the text. It said, I'm watching you.

Everyone looked at each other, horror on our faces. "Someone is watching us." Rachel said, clinging onto Finn. "We need to go back to the house. Now." Finn stated.

We all put our phones away before starting to run back the way we came. "Who the heck would do this to us?" Brittany asked. "I don't know, but we should get back before something else weird happens." Puck said.

"I agree. Let's go." Finn said. We then started walking back to the house, locking the door behind us. "That was creepy. I wonder who did that." Tina said, slightly scared and confused.

"I don't know, but we should call Joyce." Finn told us. "I-I agree." I said. "I'll do it." Will said. "Good idea, Will. Everyone shut up while Will calls Joyce." Santana ordered. "Okay Santana, jeez." Rachel said, rolling her eyes.

Everyone stayed silent as Will got out his phone to call Joyce. Before he could, however, his phone began to ring. Will jumped. "It's a random number." He told us.

"Don't answer it. It could be the weirdo that called El." Kurt told him. "Kurt's right. Don't answer it." Blaine agreed. "Okay, I won't." Will.

Seconds after the phone stopped ringing, Will got a notification on his phone.

Will's POV

"W-What is it, Will?" El asked. "It says Don't ignore me, Will." I said.

The Man In The Ghostface Mask. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora