General HCs

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So basically, CHs are special people who get to represent a country. They have flags on their faces, but they can change forms to make them look more human. They have regeneration, immortality, and enhanced strength (which all are tied to their own and their country's well being. Like regeneration might slow down or not even work with CHs who are in a vulnerable mental state or who's country hasn't physically recovered from something)

They are picked from the population of the new nation (they're most commonly kids, adults being picked are pretty uncommon). The factors of who gets to be a CH are mostly determined by their race, ethnic background, and personality. Their race/ ethnic background should reflect on the majority of the population's races. For example, European countries have white CHs, Asian countries have Asian CHs, you get the point. But for colonies, they are sometimes mixed between the natives and the settlers. Though this is still a concept since idk how that would work or how to execute it. And of course, their personalities mostly line up with stereotypes/ personality traits/ attitudes of people in that country. It varies between how in-line their personalities are with their culture/ stereotypes because why tf not. Some CHs are nearly identical to them while some CHs have a lot of noticeable differences. Also, stereotypes that aren't true or accurate don't really show up in there.

Sometimes their bodies follow the averages of their country's people. Like average height, hair color, eye color, skin color, weight, and facial features...

...And nothing else... nothing else at all...

They age very slowly. I bend the rules all the damn time, but it takes around 90-100 years for them to be around 14-15, then age a physical year every 50 years. Why are their childhoods so long? Bruh I dunno

How society treats them

How and why they exist is a mystery... to me. I don't fucking know where they came from or why they exist. I just threw them into our world to see how the chaos would unfold. But that doesn't stop people in this world from theorizing.

Some people think they're aliens, gods, lizard people, demons, a mythical creature that just so happened to be discovered, or something that was created by magic. It sometimes varies between cultures, but the most agreed upon theory is that they are defenders of humanity sent by God (or the gods, it depends on the religion) to help spread peace to the world.

So CHs are given the responsibility of doing just that. For the first few years they train them to be like that. They educate them, give them military training, even teach them how to appear more charismatic. Then when they're done (at around the 12 year old mark), they start doing their thing. They help transport things like relief to areas dangerously affected by natural disasters, help calm shit down when things get chaotic, help fight in wars and operations, act as a devil's advocate,just whatever they need to do. They also act as their leader's right hand man, giving them advice from observing other leaders and letting them know what the general public wants (since being down-to-Earth is kind of their job).

That was the original goal, but some corrupt mfs just had to ruin everything. It's common for leaders or whoever is in charge of them to manipulate them for their own country's personal gain. Since many CHs are kids, they are easily manipulated and are even made to do bad things. Instead of helping them grow as a person, they shape them into their government's little lap dogs.

Because of this job, they are very well respected. They are often treated with care, often live in luxury, and are looked up to. They are often referenced in pop culture, their faces show up in money, and are extensively studied. CHs have to REALLY fuck up for people to not like them.

They're also sometimes overestimated. For example, there were popular myths of CHs being emotionally older, so it wasn't uncommon for CHs to be sent to war at 12 years old centuries ago. But with the psychology of CHs being more well research, mental illnesses being more destigmatized and the world being the most peaceful it's ever been in a long time (which is saying a lot), things have been more chill for them

Despite their natural altruism, many CHs have resented their countries/ governments at some point. It's usually caused when they're forced to do things they don't wanna do like killing people or something. Usually they get over it, but it's not uncommon for them to permanently hate their job.

When they are uncountryhumaned, they would normally be given the freedom to do whatever they want with their life. They would be supported by their government financially until they are ready to live without them, regularly checks up on them, and announces their deaths. But it's a very mixed bag on how they live their life.

If they're lucky, CHs live quiet and normal lives as a well needed break from their time as a CH. Some CHs use their former CH card to get through life easily and even get involved in the military or politics (they aren't allowed to be any relevant leaders tho because I said so).

If they're unlucky, CHs will become lost since they've woven their CHness into their identity so much they don't know who they are without it. Some of them would live miserable lives relying on the money the government sends them. Some CHs don't even do that, as some get killed or kill themselves. In some cultures, it's more socially acceptable for CHs to kill themselves after their job is done as their last show of dedication to their country.

Family trees
CHs can actually reproduce and marry (kind of), with other CHs and normal humans. , but they are only allowed to marry normal humans of high status. However, they would rather marry normal humans because it gets really weird and complicated if they have kids with other CHs. CHs marrying humans is pretty uncommon too.

9/10 times if CHs marry normal humans, it was their partner they already had when they were picked as a CH Family trees only really form with CHs who represent the same countries from other eras like the German Family.

That doesn't stop people and CHs from forming "found families" though. CHs might not be related, but CHs with similar cultures and stuff are sometimes thought of as related. Colonies and colonizers are also thought of like this. This usually carries a positive connotation, so some countries who don't have good relationships avoid this. This is also another reason why CH on CH marriages get weird as hell.

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