North Korea

26 0 0

Human Name:
Kim Seo-Jun



Male (he/him)

ISFP sx/sp 4w3 

Theme Song(s):

Cats or Dogs?:

NK is a scrawny preteen with red eyes (his left eye having a star-shaped iris), straight blue hair cut in a good old bowlcut and blue skin. In human form, he has black hair, dark brown eyes and pale skin. He's often seen wearing a blue, slightly fancier version of North Korean military uniforms and is covered in cool medals from fighting in the Korean War. He's even covered up to hide whatever injuries and weaknesses in his body has (cant have him looking weak yk)

NK is a mysterious guy to the outside world. He rarely leaves his country or talks to other CHs so little is known about him. But NK is actually a good kid in normal circumstances. He's very quiet, shy, polite and humble. He's got the social skills of a blobfish and kinda just follows his boss Kim-Jung-Un around, both as a propaganda thing and so the spotlight isn't on him. He cares deeply about his country and its people (I mean what countryhuman doesn't) and is very dedicated to his role...

But the thing is he's completely indoctrinated into North Korean propaganda.

If the subject of his country ever pops up, he can be a huge chatterbox. He's incredibly patriotic and passionate about his country and only speaks good things about it. However, he has a very short fuse when it comes to criticizing it and quickly becomes hostile and arrogant. When meeting other countryhumans, he's a lot less polite. In fact he likes causing conflict. He has this black and white view of the world. Him, China and Russia are the good guys, everyone else is evil, and he doesn't take kindly to evil (ironically). He can easily overcome his shyness and acts all confident and tough in some weird attempt to be taken seriously. But because of his shortness, jackassery, and age, nobody takes him seriously, much to his dismay.

He's so indoctrinated to NK propaganda he's completely oblivious to the true nature of his country and how his government mistreats him. They limit how much of his own country can actually see, gaslight him into thinking his memories meant something else, and harshly punish him when he slightly steps out of line. They're trying to mold him into their own personal lap dog so that if they ever go to war, he'll be unwaveringly loyal to them.

Basically he's one of the less subtle victims of how a corrupt government can treat their CH lmao.


Name explanation:
Seo has 2 meanings, and the meaning in his name means "felicitous," "omen," or "auspicious,", while Jun means "talented" or "handsome". If you read America's chapter, you'd know I like giving names with over-the-top meanings to arrogant CHs. The other meaning of Seo means "easy to open up" which I thought was funny for a hermit like NK. Idk if I got the meanings right since it varies in different sources.

Bonus fun fact:
NK's height and age growth is stunted. NK and SK became countryhumans at the same time, yet she's physically 2 years older than him and around 2 inches taller. It's a sign that the country is in a pretty crappy state, so the NK government pretend he's actually 13 years old and 5"0 like SK.

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